Jesus? 6. -- This Chapter of the Gospel of John gives us the remarkable record of Why does Jesus hide You’ll need a bucket or pot to toss stuffed animals or bean bags into. Why did the crowd compare Jesus to Why then does the man who was healed suffer persecution? How would you describe Jesus’ night with the Jewish officials? Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, April 23. for his disciples and for all believers - He even prays for you and me If someone asked you to explain how to be born again, what would you tell them? 1. 7. What brought you to faith? Heads, answer a question. 5. Was he trying to get the crowd to become more sympathetic. 4. How secure is that joy? Have you ever been left out of something or asked to leave? Why do you think his neighbors and those who had seen him begging failed to recognize him after he had been healed? 16-21 are no longer Jesus’ words but the Apostle John’s word. 4. 8. What was Jesus’ relationship to Lazarus, Mary, and Martha? 5. The Sabbath was a gift given to us by God to limit our busyness and refocus our lives (See Mark 2:27). What happens to the branches that don’t bear fruit? The numbers, 30 and 31, are the verses in chapter 20 which will give you the answer to the question.The first lesson covers the purpose and theme of St. John's Gospel. 3. What did they have in common? Some questions are designed to prompt you to analyze the facts regarding what's actually written. The Work of the Holy Spirit (John 16:5-16) 33. It contains the greatest story of victory ever told Heads, answer a question. Also, the shortest verse in the Bible is in this Chapter. such a deep story (no pun intended) about truth and worship. 9. 7. He pulls back the curtain to share Jesus’ private, powerful prayer to His Father for us, His disciples. 7. Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, April 2. What invitation does Jesus give? This is really the last week for our John 3:16 memory verse –. 7. What information does Pilate get from Jesus in their first conversation? 4. Date of Writing: Discovery of certain papyrus fragments dated around AD 135 require the gospel of John to have been written, copied, and circulated before then. 12. Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, Feb 5. Chapter Two, -- In Chapter Two we see Jesus perform his first miracle and later get 1. If you were in Pilate’s shoes, how would you have handled the situation? How was John the Baptist a blessing to his parents (vs. 11-14)? But, if you roll a 6, you must swap points with another player of your choice. What do you think about Jesus’ claim that he is the only way to have access to God? Our elementary kids start a new memory verse this week. Learn the answer to this question and some interesting 8. The idea is to share insights, explore the. 27:32-66, Mark 15:21-47, and Luke 23:26-56. 4. Play a simple game of “heads or tails” to make your time together more fun. 5. Why did Jesus walk on water? Workbook on John Page #4 Bible Study Questions on the Gospel of John Introduction: This workbook was designed for Bible class study, family study, or personal study. What does this tell us about the Scriptures? 9. What were they afraid of? Play a game of “Heads or Tails” to make your time together fun. Play a game of bucket toss to make things fun. 3. Read John 2:1-3. 1. Why did Jesus’ words and actions make people “guilty of sin?” (verses 22-25). Answer these questions while reading through the Gospel of John. What did they do to the blind man? John. conquered the world and they will have their sorrow turned to joy. How have you seen Jesus? John has selected 7 out of the many miracles that Jesus performed and calls them signs given to us to help us believe. Chapter Twenty, -- This chapter doesn't just contain the purpose of the Gospel of John at Do you think you might have responded the same way Thomas did? But if you roll a 6, you must swap points with another player of your choice. What did John the Baptist say when he saw Jesus? Why do you think Jesus said things that were sometimes hard to understand? What happened when they did what they were told? Why did Jesus ask Peter three times if he loved him? What is so unusual about Jesus’ question to the man in verse 6? How do we show Jesus and others that we really love Him? How does the Holy Spirit help followers of Jesus? Where did Jesus come from? 7. 9. In the stories we are reading, Jesus often says something that pushes people away, especially if they don’t believe in him. Why was this hard for the disciples to understand? (Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:28-44, John 12:12-19). followed by Jesus' announcement of his departure. Jesus prays for himself, Most people went to the well early in the morning because it was cooler. And Peter, knowing that Jesus would tell John what he meant, prompted John to ask Jesus who would betray him. Nine in this Gospel of John Bible study. What time did this woman go to the well? 2. Do you think God still does miracles? Our elementary kids are memorizing verses from John during the sermon series. 6. 8. Why was a guard placed at Jesus tomb? 2. Who came to Jesus’ tomb first on Sunday morning? 6. Why did the temple guards not arrest Jesus? What is the baptism Jesus offers? 7:1-5). Study the Tell a time when you were deeply affected by someone else’s tragedy? Why was John the Baptist killed? In light of Jesus’ promise that we will have trouble in this world, what does it mean to you that Jesus has overcome the world? How did most of the people respond to Jesus? in history - HE IS RISEN! What do you think Jesus means when he claims to be “the bread of life” in verse 35? You’ll need a bucket or pot and something to toss like a small stuffed animal or bean bag. This is the last week for our John 1:1 memory verse: Play a game of “plus or minus” with the kids to make it more fun. It's best to first complete the Gospel of John Bible study lesson by If a team answers a question they put an X or an O on the board. Why do you think Pilate had, “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews” written in three languages? How have you responded to Jesus? Why did he care? Jesus talks about being born again – or spiritual birth. Why did Jesus tell his followers about the opposition they were going to face? 10. What does Jesus mean when he tells us to “remain in me”? -- Chapter Five gives us another miracle of Jesus. 6. How is love and remaining in Christ and obedience connected to each other? This chapter is about what a good shepherd is like. It demonstrates the Why was Jesus glad that he wasn’t there to prevent Lazarus’ death (v. 14-15)? 6. What was the result of the Samaritans conversation with Jesus (verse 29-42)? 3. What has been your response? Chapter Eight, -- Chapter Eight provides insight into Jesus' discussion with the 6. Take turns flipping a coin. Jesus speaks of the relationships of believers The Gospel of John: The Great News The Gospel of John: The Great News - A Look at the Book Lesson 1 - The Public Ministry of Jesus Christ Lesson 2 - The Private Ministry of Jesus Christ Lesson 3 - The Passion Ministry of Jesus Christ The Gospel of John: The Great News - REVIEW QUESTIONS Galatians: The Constitution of Christian Liberty What do you think Jesus meant in Luke’s account when he said that if the people were silent, the stones in the road would cry out? Name as many as you can. Why was this an act of courage? 8. 7. How might “The Counselor” and the “Spirit of Truth” help us when we face opposition? Everyone take turns tossing into the bucket. Why did the blind man not recognize Jesus when Jesus found him? Remember that the Sabbath is meant to help us refocus on God. What does Jesus say is the purpose of his blindness? Why do you think John told us this detail? Heads, answer a question. Why would the women telling the men of her city that Jesus had told her everything she had ever done have a strong impact? Can you think of a time when you were aware of the Holy Spirit working strongly inside of you? Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, August 6. Why do you think Peter asked Jesus what was going to happen to John? Tabernacles. Read John 2:23-25. Play a simple game of Tic Tac To with the kids to make it fun. Tails, complete some action (i.e. 4. In verse 21, what does Jesus say will happen when we keep His commands? answers. How does Peter over-react and how does Jesus respond? Play a bucket toss game to make things fun. do 5 jumping jacks, spin in place 3 times, get a piece of candy, give another family member a hug, etc.). Read and learn of the amazing story of the healing by studying Chapter What is grace to you? 7. 3. After all, The Holy Spirit works in all believers 9. What was the purpose of John the Baptist? He shared the nature of Creator God (John 1:1), yet humbled himself in a way no decent human being would have. Only two of the disciples followed Jesus, what happened to them? controversy in Jerusalem that the Jewish religious leaders surround him Jesus answers 8. The questions contain minimal human commentary, but instead urge students to study to understand Scripture. 12. 4. 31. What does Jesus mean when he prays for his followers “that all of them may be one?”. Be creative with your actions and have fun with it. In verses 36-40, Jesus names three sources of information that confirm who He is. 14. How does John compare himself to Jesus in verse 27? What did the soldiers do to Jesus when he was arrested? List 5 aspects of Jesus Christ we learn from studying verses 1-4. What caused Mary to realize that she was talking with Jesus? By the way, if Use these questions to prepare for Sunday, May 21. Why do you think none of the disciples stepped up to do the job? What is the same and what is different about Martha’s and Mary’s interaction with Jesus? Who were the Gospels written for. man born blind. Opening Question 1. 7. Read John 2:18-21. conquered the world and they will have their sorrow turned to joy. 12. In this study we focus upon the famous prologue of the gospel according to John. If a team answers a question they put an X or O on the board. How might hearing the new command have changed the choices that Peter made later that night? This is the last week for our John 3:16 memory verse –. Then for the next six day seven you meet with others to discuss and compare your answers. Learn the answer in your study of Chapter Eight. Why do you think Pilate tried to get the Jewish leaders to release Jesus instead of Barabbas? What is the new command that Jesus gave his disciples? List the seven miracles which John selected. Where did the food that Jesus multiplied come from? 12. Thanks and God Bless", -- Chapter One contains what has often been called the most beautiful does it mean for us today? Why do you think he called himself that? In chapter 7 of the gospel according to John, Jesus showed us that sometimes we should take a risk if it has a chance of giving back a good return through him going to the temple when he knew the religious people would be after him. What would it have been like for Mary as she stood at the foot of the cross? 5. Why do you think he chose to be alone at that moment? to himself, to each other, and to the world. All four gospels include the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem the Sunday before he was crucified. 4. 1. Why did so many people come out to see Jesus? 1. 12. Choose which Chapter of the Gospel of John. John 21:25. In chapter 5, verse 4 was not part of the original story but was added later to explain why disabled people chose this spot to hang out. Help them find the verses by looking up the book in the table of contents, finding the big number for the chapter and the little number for the verses. Roll the die. 5. Who is the prince of this world that Jesus talks about in verse 31, and what will happen to him? What promise did Jesus make to Nathaniel in verse 50-51? In verse 7, Jesus asks the woman for some water. the discipleâs feet and of his betrayal by Judas Escariot. Copyright © 2006 - 2017 All rights reserved. (1=1,000 points, 2=2,000, etc.) woman's phenomenal conversation with Jesus and explore her emotions as The Israelite priests wondered if John was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. something else? Why do you think it is important for Christians to read the Bible? 4. -- Here the Gospel of John Bible study tells the story of Mary 10. Study the How does Jesus describe the difference between a good shepherd and a thief? Read John 1:19-28; Matt. How is John 1:1-5 like Genesis 1:1-5? -- This is the last of four chapters in this Gospel of John Bible study 7. 7. 7. Like John 3:16-21, most scholars believe that 3:31-36 are the comments of John the apostle. How does Jesus describe his death and how will that be used to draw people to Jesus? The gospel of John, like all the other gospels, shows us the story of Jesus, his betrayal and death, and its effect on Christianity as we know it. Why do you think Mary was not put off by Jesus’ initial response to her? 3. How much authority does Jesus have? What did that look like? 5. What was the response of the crowd? Why did the crowd compare Jesus to The Gospel of John was written to prove that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. 5. tells them as you study the Great Shepherd who laid down his life for 4. Whatever you roll is how many points the question is worth (1=1,000 2=2,000 etc.) What happened to them (1:12)? 5. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 1. Why do you think Jesus compares himself to food? 1. How did the night of fishing go? 8. Why do you think being born again is the first thing Jesus talks about with Nicodemus? 6. In verse 19, who did she think Jesus might be? Jesus heals a What was John the Baptist’s role concerning Jesus? 1. information about the brothers of Jesus by studying Chapter Seven. burial. 6. The quiz below will test your basic knowledge about the gospel of John. Choose one to start playing: Do the lesson yourself, and then choose what you want to discuss with your family. You’ll need a die and something to keep score on. Why did Jesus tell Peter to put away his sword? What is that reason? John tells them that he is not the Messiah (Isaiah 11:1-3), not Elijah (Mal. What do we use words for? A - I love you B - Pray thou for me C - Dear woman, here is your son D - … Describe. 11. In verse 42, who do the Samaritans say Jesus is? The truth? Read Luke 22:31-34; 54-62. How aware are you of Christian persecution across the world? 6. very mad. This is Why do you think there was such a large group of people gathered in Bethany waiting for Jesus to show up? What can you learn about Thomas from verse 16? of by asking the Apostle John to take care of her. 6. Chapter Three, -- Chapter Three contains the most famous or well-known verse of How did the crowd respond this time? The Gospel of John Verse by Verse Bible Study The Word was God (John 1:1-18) - Jesus was both the Word, and God. prior from the website. Why do you think Judas betrayed Jesus? The people who opposed Jesus were often people who practiced legalism. Jesus leave town and go out to see him again Peter and John write... You were aware of the people respond to Jesus, but not necessary to. And 19:26, what does it mean that Jesus gives in Mark 12:31 follow. Explain how to be “ lifted up ” kingdom work and you faced opposition they were waiting for to... 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