13 talking about this. Ive seen people complain about this but i almost always had fun in normal so was blissfully unaware. Imagine still going back to nazjatar and mechagon, on top of 8.3 dailies + the need of farming echoes to buy corruptions. Hey, I know there was once already a new map pug group (original thread here), but with the new slurry of maps being released in alpha/beta and the old group having been abandoned since January, I figured this idea might not be a bad pug format to revive.We've hosted one pug last night with half-decent results, and plan on running continually on weekends. Note that the word "group" refers to the literal meaning of a group, i.e. I am guilty of this - as are many others. This will prevent ninja looters from waiting till everyone has greeded followed by them rolling need. The group's concensus rules. Ah i didnt know this, that would explain some of the mass leaving anyway. So everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect. Thanks for the reply. Pug puppies, from 8 weeks old to 6 months old: 3 times per day (morning, midday and evening) with several healthy snacks. Look at the amount of threads asking for this to be made easier, that to be made account wide. Had 2 fun groups, lotta banter, didnt mass leave on wipes. And usually i just for normal so whem I go for heroic is well into the patch XD. Rezzer Key features include: Select the chat channel to display the description to just yourself, your guild, or the entire group. If you join a 465 curve required group then sure, look for no mistakes. We thought a dps player and a tank, how to tank shad yesterday. Because players aren’t online constantly and because they don’t always have friends online or in their guilds that are needed for Instance groups, an option exists in World of Warcraft whereby you can search for players to join your group.. If they want advice, they'll ask for it. I really miss times when you just leveled up an alt and the only problem was simply gearing it. Some people will only come for the bosses they need loot from, some will stay for the entire run, some will leave after one run, some will give bosses a few tries before goign, some will stick it out no matter what, some don’t have the time to commit to stay in one raid for 4 or 5 hours. Pick up group. Don't count on a mage being in the group in a PUG. ye pretty much. I assume that PUG, as an acronym, can be broken down like this: PU is for public or pick-up, and G is for game or group. The "Little Princess" Costume. Crowd control idk i don’t see the problem with a leader making whatever requirements they want for their group. Everyone was a newbie at one time or another. Meeting Stone Mages may offer portals after the run is completed. I dont join the “1 shot fast curve” groups as i know they are not what I want, Edit: reread my post. All party members should have bandages and appropriate potions and scrolls for their class. The trick to not becoming toxic is to expect nothing from pugs. Pug rescue group drove 16-hours to save a dogs life #WOW. The game’s called ‘World of Warcraft’, not ‘World of Altcraft’. The rescue group set up a plan to rescue the pug even though they are based in Johannesburg and the pug was in Cape Town. My god so many people need to learn to accept a wipe. Key features include: Select the chat channel to display the description to just yourself, your guild, or the entire group. When you really do wipe to something stupid 70% of the raid insta leaves and then you can start completely new which often takes another 30mins - 1h. Like PIN number, or ATM machine. Let your preference be known, but don't think that everyone has to do it your way. Always practice good etiquette if you want to be invited into future instances. using. This puts you in the same phase. A pickup group, or pug, is a group of random players that are grouped together via the matchmaking system, usually to do an instance or quest. That’s not quiet what I meant, I was referring to the people that just leave after a wipe without saying a word (in a lot of cases a wipe caused by the leaver) or votekick someone for making any sort of error. Puller I also think this is becoming worse and worse (might just be feeling though). then there’s your other hc pugs, they don’t need the highest ilvl, they don’t ask for achievements but they’re gonna be slower. Next upgrade is Ra’den trinket (a tiny upgrade from a much harder boss), and after that - carap and n’zoth azerites, another very very hard bunch of bosses. PUGs are about the individual people in them having a good time. Wipe. Fort Collins Pug Play Group. It is very rude to blatantly invite someone … If their bowel movement does not work properly, you can adjust the meal times earlier or later, with a suitable quantity of consumption. use the slash command /puggle or /pug or click the minimap button (click again to hide) HOW IT WORKS. Abbreviation of public game, group… The breed has a fine, glossy coat that comes in a variety of colours, most often fawn or black, and a compact square body with well-developed muscles. PUG Hero is an icon that sits on your minimap which you can click to explain or see fights for a given instance which you are in. I enjoy the bad grouos tho, i get to experience the progression this late. Successful pugs are effective at picking up innovations that other players have developed, and developing your own innovations that improve your overall abilities as a member of your class and as a leader of future runs. Honestly i dont mind when people do that, its the 1 wipe and their out giys that ive never been a fan of. All because they don’t have the patience to play the game as intended and want lots of short cuts. Know your class, your talent spec, your expected role in the group, and your own limitations. If someone is new, answer their questions without being condescending. Exercises: This is not an exclusive list but there are so many variables with a pug group you just don’t know what you are going to get. Makes the whole raid maybe 8h even though it maybe has a playtime of 2h. Ive seen people complain about this but i almost always had fun in normal so was blissfully unaware. More about World of Warcraft PUGs. Abilities Defensive Stance — Enter a defensive stance, reducing damage taken by 25% for 30 sec. And if you just care about the rewards you will take the path of least resistance, which in this case is leaving groups till you find one that just one shots everything. The pug is a type of small dog with a wrinkly, short-muzzled face and a curled tail. Perky Pugs got its origins from the Horde #FriendshipMoose movement during the Warlords of Draenor expansion of World of Warcraft. Going a bit extra can get you invited back to good groups and even lead to future invites for raiding guilds. Warcraft PUG abbreviation meaning defined here. https://worldofwarcraft.fandom.com/et/wiki/Pickup_group?oldid=38996. I think they main difference between the average pug player and the average guild raider is that the guild player raids for the experience and the pug player raids just for loot and other rewards. While all but the most dysfunctional pugs can get through a 3-player group quest that requires killing a single weak elite mob, running instances still requires some sophistication from everyone in the group. Pickup group Despite their small stature, the Pug is the largest dog in its AKC “toy” group. Before you joined a mid cleared raid you had to accept the ID and accept that you will never get loot from the first bosses this week again. just 5 minutes into the dungeon. I wonder if some of it might be due to other content (or other games even) being so easy that losing just becomes something you’re not used to anymore and since you’re not used to it the reason you lose now are obviously the others. players having a common objective, and is not limited to five persons (a party). If you’ve chosen to level up an alt then that’s your decision and no reason for Blizzard to make anything easier. Wait! These players will usually be someone that you don’t know (and they could be from anywhere in World, really). My god so many people need to learn to accept a wipe. I love what you said, I would like to add (to everyone that says this, not just you) that a PuG is Pick-up group, and so saying “PuG group” is redundant (Pick-up group group). Be prepared. If you are tanking, have a full stack of food (especially stat buffing food) so that the healer isn't using up after-combat mana to heal you. Detailed history for [Raid] Friday pug group, EU-Tarren Mill: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation. PUG Hero is an icon that sits on your minimap which you can click to explain or see fights for a given instance which you are in. These experiences usually result from a very small but very horrible group of players, or players who aren't very experienced (it's quite possible to go all the way to the maximum level of 85 without ever entering an instance). Explaining what is required from the group and then people ignoring it does deserve am ejection from the group, that’s not intolerance, that’s getting rid of timewasters and idiots. Or at least that’s what I do. Comment. If they don't ask, it's a good bet that they don't want it. We are a group of pug & pug-mix owners who meet the 1st Sunday and 3rd Saturday of each month at Fossil Creek Dog Park. PUG. Copy the "Puggle" folder into your Wow Classic \Interface\AddOns\ folder; Restart World of Warcraft Classic; HOW TO ACTIVATE. A cheeky Jack Russell-Pug cross has gone viral after he mocked his Corgi friend's walk in a hilarious video. However, it's to ok to GENTLY educate other players in case of gross errors (e.g. You’re taking a group of strangers and trying to forge them into an effective tactical unit over the course of a few hours. Just five minutes of pre-instance talking among the group can save many headaches in the long run. Speak to someone first BEFORE inviting them to a party. Having friendly banter with the group before and after a wipe helps people stay since it will be a friendly atmosphere. Nothing sours a group more than people complaining about the approach. Being in groups that easily demolish the bosses just means nothing really, Being in groups that easily demolish the bosses just means nothing really, for me i also like to experience the raid as you do, and i do go through that stage of experience, but when you do it 10+ times and on alts too, you get well geared, and going slow on bosses can no longer be an option. 1 Notable 2 … Fair amount of people think they crap out roses. Speak to someone first BEFORE inviting them to a party. Pickup Group; used commonly in WoW and other MMORPGs. Had 2 fun groups, lotta banter, didnt mass leave on wipes. Thanks to M+ being over-rewarding there’s little reason for me to push more than 3/12 mythic. Have to agree with this. The last but not the least. We are a group of pug & pug-mix owners who meet the 1st Sunday and 3rd Saturday … Certain items, like mount drops for example, should be needed on by EVERY member who wants it. Gaming, Internet Slang, Group. Ill go edit it. there’s two types of pugs: those that want curve, 470ish level and mythic kills - if you don’t meet the requirements for this, you won’t get in, they want to clear that content as fast as possible. the first kind of pugs i mention are rarely social, they’re just there to get what they want, as they’ve progressed the raid already. Abbreviation "pub": short for public. Lack of patience is something a whole section of the playerbase is guilty of and not just in Heroic PUG raids. Random strangers. We operate on our Discord partnered server. now you can raid hop like you want and don’t get punished. Pickup groups are usually less organized than a group formed from people of the same guild or guild alliance because the players are less familiar with each other. I thought it would be strange if I just said pug by itself. Edit: didn’t join fast / one shot/ skip to nzoth / curve groups. WoW Pugs are Awful, Please Fix This. This goal of this movement was to help as many players as possible, obtain the Grove Warden mount, looted from Heroic Archimonde, for free. This has some travel time but it's really the only way to idiot proof it. Do a good Heroic pug killing bosses one after another, then come the first wipe on one boss later in people leave…. Times vary. I’ll be in the latter enjoying content that I cant just passivly beat and have to work for, And before someone says. And yes, if the requirements were high then the expectations for the group are also high = more toxicity when wiping. Then travel with that group to … It has subscription-based access, which can allow it to keep a higher standard. Dps was a little low but was manageable. Add to Favourites. Many guilds refuse to use pickup groups for instances due to the chance that one or more of the players will wipe the group, ninja loot, or just be insubordinate in general. Hunters should have enough pet food to keep their pets happy. Half the raid died to shads dodge the circle mechanic, we just restarted. However, many pugs are very successful, especially at higher levels when all the members are familiar at least with the group dynamic even if they're not familiar with the instance or area. I don't remember right now because I'm on my phone but my pug proof route killed a clear path from start to first boss. Detailed history for [Raid] Friday pug group, EU-Tarren Mill: rankings, mythic plus progress, boss kill history, player rotation member left. But them had the other groups, said nothing total silence until a wipe them it was a dps dick measuring contest. For World of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "wow, best pug group i've ever been in". Be tolerant of different approaches. Nobody wants to hear "anyone have water?" Pugs will vary, you are a random bunch of people put together rather than a guild or community with a common goal. Especially when its not a “1 shot curve 470 fast group”. I did heroic pugs for the first time this week. Pick-up group + 1 variant. Very few people go into PUGs because they think you are a superstar. Imperial Orders — Gains the power of the empire, making the caster immune to all disabling effects. If you are new and uncertain, ask. Don't over-step your bounds unless asked to do so. Guess i didnt actually say i did those non serious groups. 1 The PUG 1.1 The Disgruntled Raider 1.2 The Terrible Tank 1.3 The Guy in a Hurry 1.4 Captain Obvious 1.5 The PvP all-star 1.6 The PvP tank 1.7 Mr. Leading a pick-up group (PUG) raid is a different type of challenge than leading a guild-only raid. Alternatively, you can create a PUG group, but make sure EVERYBODY goes to Ve'nari or to Oribos or any other rest/no-fight zone. It is very rude to blatantly invite someone to join your group without first asking. It is very rude to blatantly invite someone … This ravishing top hat will make your perky pug the most civilised pug around, and will make him look like the pug version of Barney Stinson. Unfortunately, this makes this group quest insanely annoying. The most important elements of a successful pug are positive attitude, cooperation, clarity (including marks for each crowd control spell), and experience that the leader has. The "Dread Pirate" Costume. This means allowing the tank to pull and obtain aggro before everyone else attacks. Look at the amount of threads asking for this to be made easier, that to be made account wide, increase the drop rate of the other. If you use mana, have a full stack (or two) of waters before considering entering an instance. […] The pug is a breed of dog with physically distinctive features of a wrinkly, short-muzzled face, and curled tail. this whole problem stems from the fact that you can now much easier join raids and leave. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Well is not really community fault if Blizzard decided to implement bad system on top of another bad system that literally required an insane amount of time to bring alts back on par. You may make a new friend and teach someone how to be a better player. Everyone makes mistakes/has a bad day/pull everyone does - but joining a PuG you are in no way ready for isn’t fair on the other people in that group. WoWProgress #1 WoW Rankings Website. PUG raids sometimes have a bad reputation in WoW. Dps was a little low but was manageable. If you do not want the item, pass or greed it. The other attribute sorely missing is tolerance, this zero tolerance attitude you find in a lot of PUG’s is (IMO) totally unwarranted. 2.1m members in the wow community. Pickup groups are usually susceptible to a loot ninja or incompetent players that have most likely failed at joining a higher level guild, and are looking for this kind of group for this exact reason. This gives your pug a pirate hat, good for roleplaying or goofing around in LFR/raids/PvP. All Acronyms. What does PUG stand for in Warcraft? But yea it makes pugging take forever because after every boss you need to refill your raid, even if you don’t wipe. Main assist Know the basic loot etiquette and don't be a. And people join these groups and rage and leave on wipes. I’m never disappointed, but rather sometimes pleasantly surprised. Speak to someone first BEFORE inviting them to a party. Pugs at 6 months and older: 2-3 meals per day, with dry snacks. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. World of Warcraft Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. If they want your criticism they'll ask for it. Do some planning before going into the instance. Also it can be very obvious very quickly if a PuG group is going to be able to achieve the goal they signed up to. i wouldn’t have that much patience either for wipes in content i’ve done a zillion times already. WoWProgress #1 WoW Rankings Website. Scout, Aggro Hybrid classes There is a huge number of players that are 3/12M from pugs, myself included. So I think the player base can and does have patience if and when its warranted - just everyone needs to be clear and honest about what they’re setting out to achieve. Edit: didn’t join fast / one shot/ skip to nzoth / curve groups. The neutral “we don’t talk” environment will just make it easier for people to be toxic and to leave if you wipe. If they want a run through they'll ask for that too. Some people crave strict order. If guild was an option id already be in one, well, ya in the pug world, everyone have to go throw hell to achieve AOTC, after that u can join groups that rarely do mistake, and know the fights, the sad thing is most those leavers arent even good, but get mad over a wipe, than leave and try to get carried in another group, thing is, if you want to go throw less hell, try getting AOTC early after raid release, most people dont have curve, so they accept people, but at a later time, everyone will keep demanding curve, sadly guilds aren’t an option for me as well, but i manage to push my way to 3/M with pugs. Inexperienced. I literally mentioned both group types and said im playing the chill ones. Unfortunately i wasnt around. I think Ra’Den is the most pugged boss, and carap-nzoth after that cos the rewards are +10 ilvl and BIS azerite for many specs drops there. By groups that are 3/12M from pugs be someone that you can much. 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