2.19 Are there any special rules relating to dynamic calling line identification presentation? wholesale leased lines) subject to price or cost regulation and, if so, how? The study group published the Interim Report in April 2019. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) is the primary telecoms regulatory body in China. In the case of notice and registration for a telecoms carrier, there is no stated licence duration. The Japanese government is looking to open its mobile market up to new is dominated by incumbent operator NTT. 5.3 Describe the different types of licences for the distribution of audio-visual media and their key obligations. The major difference between the regulation of telecommunications (tsushin) and broadcasting (housou) is that the confidentiality of telecommunications content is protected; thus, the regulation of telecommunications content is avoided as much as possible. There are no special rules relating to dynamic calling line identification presentation. 4. 2. The Indonesian Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (BRTI) is in charge of regulating Indonesia's telecommunications sector. 6. Housou is generally defined as sending telecommunications for the purpose of being directly received by the public. Lawsuit to seek revocation (w/n six mos). The report recognised that fake news delivered online is an issue which requires further examination. Utilisation of land and works for interconnection. Telecoms carriers are not required to maintain call interception (wire-tap) capabilities. These guidelines provide examples of when zero-rating services would violate the TBL in terms of differentiating users without good reason, or the secrecy of communications, so that providers of zero-rating services may avoid possible violations. (“NTT”), especially NTT East Corporation (“NTT East”), NTT West Corporation (“NTT West”) and NTT Docomo Corporation (“NTT Docomo”), KDDI Corporation and Softbank Corp. Further, Rakuten Mobile Inc., which received radio frequency for 5G from MIC, entered the mobile telecommunication sector in 2019. 2.4 Are decisions of the national regulatory authority able to be appealed? The Net Neutrality Report identified two issues as critical to network neutrality – fair allocation of network development costs and fair access to the network by telecommunications operators, including content providers – and, given the need to enable the network to absorb rapid increases in traffic, discussed who should bear the costs of such development and whether telecommunications operators may engage in packet-shaping (or traffic-blocking) to ensure the network’s service quality. Like other telecoms carriers holding Designated Facilities, NTT group companies are required to submit to MIC, and generally, as in the case of a carrier installing Designated Facilities, they must also obtain MIC’s approval regarding the terms and conditions (including tariffs) of interconnection with other carriers, interconnect their telecoms facilities in accordance with such terms and conditions, and provide services to other carriers equally (see question 2.15). established to achieve simplification and rationalization of administrative work for license application and to alleviate the burden borne by license applicants 2.13 Are any operators subject to: (a) accounting separation; (b) functional separation; and/or (c) legal separation? ICLG - Telecoms, Media and Internet Laws and Regulations - Further, consolidation between telecoms carriers is regulated under the Anti-monopoly Law. Providers of telecoms businesses, including fixed and mobile services that are either registered with, or have submitted notification to, MIC under the TBL are not required to submit a tariff or price chart unless they provide Universal Services (see question 2.6) or have Designated Facilities (see question 2.10). Regional Banks & Regional Banks II (PDF • Excel) 3. 2.5 What types of general and individual authorisations are used in your jurisdiction? Under the TBL, the fee for registration with MIC is ¥150,000, but no fee is necessary for notification to MIC. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India is a statutory body set up by under the TRAI Act 1997, for regulating Telecommunication sector. In general, licences may not be transferred or traded, but exceptions exist depending on the type of licence. Unlike other jurisdictions, which allot frequency spectrums through an auction system, the use of radio frequency spectrum in Japan is allocated at the discretion of MIC after consultation with the Radio Regulatory Council and consideration of the plans submitted by the operators. 4.1 Describe the legal framework for cybersecurity. Topics: Telecommunications Japan 4350 East West Highway, Suite 600 Bethesda, MD 20814 USA Tel: +1 (301) 656-5900 Fax: +1 (301) 986-0296 Generally, a telecoms carrier installing telecoms facilities must interconnect its facilities with other telecoms carriers if so requested by other carriers and there is no justifiable reason under the TBL to reject the request. Yes, Japan has been a member of the World Trade Organisation since January 1, 1995. Mori Hamada & Matsumoto, Akira Marumo There are no laws regulating cloud service providers directly. As noted above, the TBL applies only to telecommunications, and the Broadcast Law applies only to broadcasting. integrated broadcasting industry means broadcasters create as well as This list contains bodies ensuring effective regulatory role in a territory which is not necessarily a state, but is listed as "territory" or "economy" in the statistics of international institutions, in particular the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Under the Radio Wave Law, any person or entity planning to establish a radio station is required to obtain a licence from MIC, except for cases involving certain specialised radio stations. 1.3 List the government ministries, regulators, other agencies and major industry self-regulatory bodies which have a role in the regulation of the: (a) telecoms, including internet; and (b) audio-visual media distribution sectors in your jurisdiction. The Broadcast Law sets forth general principles to regulate broadcast content (i.e., TV programmes). Unlike other countries, Japan has traditionally treated the telecommunications sector as two distinct categories from a regulatory point of view: telecommunications (tsushin); and broadcasting (housou). 5.2 Is content regulation (including advertising, as well as editorial) different for content broadcast via traditional distribution platforms as opposed to content delivered over the internet or other platforms? Operators providing Universal Services and services provided by Designated Facilities are required to publicly disclose tariffs which set forth fees and other terms and conditions, and post them at their offices. The duration of a licence depends upon its type or kind. in the world. KDDI and Softbank Mobile. The MIC guidelines regarding the protection of personal information in telecoms businesses state that telecoms carriers are allowed to obtain certain limited personal information only where such information is necessary to provide the services; however, the retaining or recording of telecommunications content is not allowed. ... Danish Business Authority. 3.5 What happens to spectrum licences if there is a change of control of the licensee? This page is a Pharmaceutical Regulations in Japan page of JPMA. Utilisation of facilities for provision of services. 3.6 Are spectrum licences able to be assigned, traded or sub-licensed and, if so, on what conditions? Regulatory Decisions - ICT Regulatory Decisions Clearinghouse 4. Those standards provide for restrictions on advertising, including requirements for broadcasters to make it clear that advertising is for commercial purposes, to ensure viewers do not feel uncomfortable on account of the broadcasting time of the advertisement, and to ensure that the volume of advertising per week is 18% or less of the total broadcasting hours. Coolidge Business Complex Sir George Walter Highway. Analyses" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's The Danish Business Authority is the telecommunications regulator. Japan's Provision of wholesale telecoms services. What does telecom regulatory authority of india mean? Tele-communications Business Dispute Settlement Commission (“TBDSC”) Mediator. There is a registration fee of ¥30,000 per station generally, but the registration fee for a broadcasting station is ¥150,000. 1. The annual sales generated by the broadcasting sector, which includes, among others, audio-visual media distribution through broadcasting, was approximately ¥3,458 billion for FY 2015. 6.2 Are telecommunications operators and/or internet service providers under any obligations (i.e. Register with us FREE. Japan's market is served by three multi-service operators offering Interconnection of telecoms facilities. In contrast, broadcasting (housou) content is regulated in accordance with public welfare. Number portability for mobile telephones started in 2006, with the issuance of the Rule for Numbers for Telecommunications, which sets forth the obligation requiring number portability. Note that the Broadcast Law prohibits Nihon Housou Kyoukai, as a national public broadcasting entity, from broadcasting advertisements for commercial purposes on behalf of third parties. offering. commencing. We regulate fixed line telecommunications and mobile. Telephone numbers, including mobile telephone numbers, and the network identifying codes are allocated by MIC following a successful application by the relevant telecoms business provider. 1. ■ Law concerning Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (“NTT Law”) and others Telecommunication Business Law (“TBL”). Are they independent from the government? Under the Radio Wave Law, a spectrum licence generally may not be assigned, traded or sub-licensed; however, it may be assigned in conjunction with an inheritance, a merger (gappei), a corporate split (kaisha bunkatsu), or a business transfer upon MIC approval. Under a TBL ordinance, services for public calls, home telephone calls, and urgent calls to police or fire stations are included in Universal Services. As described above, the TBL regulates the provision of electronic communications services. Are there penalties for the unauthorised use of spectrum? The site includes general information on BRTI, events, press releases, news, and current policies. One of the basic principles, if not the most important principle, of the TBL is the secrecy of communications. 2.14 Describe the regulation applicable to high-speed broadband networks. It is not clear when the study group will publish the final report. MIC and the relevant subordinated administrative agencies regulate telecoms audio-visual media distribution through the broadcasting and internet sectors. However, in December 2019, in accordance with the Interim Report, JAIPA, TCA, TELESA, IPoE Council and JCTA revised their guidelines on packet-shaping (the original guidelines were published in May 2008 pursuant to the Net Neutrality Report). 2.12 Looking at fixed, mobile and other services, are charges for interconnection (e.g. European Union Directives on electronic communications Proposed modifications to European electronic communications framework… 2.2 How is the provision of telecoms (or electronic communications) networks and services regulated? The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has been set up under the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997. Further, under the Revised TBL, in order to protect consumer interest, providers are required to deliver written material to consumers who enter into agreements with those providers regarding the services designated by MIC. In order to obtain a radio station licence, an applicant must submit to MIC a standard application form containing information such as (i) the purpose of the radio station, (ii) its facilities’ locations, and (iii) the type and frequency of radio waves to be used. Telecoms carriers providing Universal Services and certain other services, and installing Designated Facilities, are required to organise their accounting pursuant to the relevant law (Article 24 of the TBL). (c) Mediation (assen) and Reconciliation (chusai) by Commission. fixed-line telephony, fixed broadband access, mobile voice telephony, The TBL further requires other authorisations, which will be explained in question 2.6; this question will also explain authorisations regarding broadcasting. In case of a licence for radio transmission stations providing telecommunications services, a change of control of the licensee is not a cause to rescind the licence or to require a notification to MIC. 8. 2.11 Which operators are required to publish their standard interconnection contracts and/or prices? 2.9 Are there specific legal or administrative provisions dealing with access and/or securing or enforcing rights to public and private land in order to install telecommunications infrastructure? platforms: cable TV (CATV) and FttH, with the latter more prominent. WTO Telecommmunication Guidelines 4.2. In January 2013, MIC announced that it does not have any immediate plans to request the Diet to amend the Radio Wave Law to implement an auction system. Does this cover: (i) traditional telephone calls; (ii) VoIP calls; (iii) emails; and (iv) any other forms of communications? A carrier intending to conduct telecoms business by installing telecommunications circuit facilities, and those which intend to exercise a right-of-way to install transmission lines (such conduct or exercise is, collectively, a “public utility privilege”), may, separately from telecoms business entry procedures such as registration or notice, be granted a public utility privilege for all or part of its telecoms business by obtaining MIC approval. (If so, please list the relevant legislation.). to provide information, inform customers, disconnect customers) to assist content owners whose rights may be infringed by means of file-sharing or other activities? (PDF • Excel) IMDA, as the telecom regulator, regulates spectrum use and is the authority responsible for planning, allocating and assigning frequencies. There is no service categorisation in relation to VoIP services that requires particular licences. Public Meetings ICH-branded regional meetings Implementation Training Workshop Lawsuit to seek revocation (w/n six mos). ; and (ii) are they open to foreign investment including in relation to the supply of telecoms equipment? The distribution by way of internet is mainly regulated by the TBL. This article is a list of the legal regulatory bodies that govern telecommunications systems in different countries. Operation of facilities for provision of services. 4.5 Describe the rules governing the use of encryption and the circumstances when encryption keys need to be provided to the state. RADIOFREQUENCY AND 5G SAFETY NEXT STEPS The public consultation into Radiofrequency and 5G Safety remains active, that is, public comments are restricted, however the review of information is active. Guidance and Legislation - Telecommunications Legislation in Transitional and Developing Economies (pdf) 2. See also questions 1.2 and 2.6. The TBL permits competition in Japan, although several other laws restrict foreign ownership. Further, MIC established, with internet service providers (“ISPs”), cable TV service providers, software security service vendors, and other companies, the Advanced Cyber Threats Response InitiatiVE (“ACTIVE”) to assist internet users with preventing malware infection and to enhance cybersecurity. 2.15 Are retail price controls imposed on any operator in relation to fixed, mobile, or other services? Telecommunications networks or services are mainly regulated by the TBL. See also questions 1.2 and 2.6. 3.2 How is the use of radio spectrum authorised in your jurisdiction? Detailed provisions governing the grant of spectrum rights, spectrum sharing and trading, as well as licensing of radio-communication stations and networks are set out in the Radio-Communication Regulations. 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