We help organizations achieve their goals whether it is AI, websites, business intelligence, and more. Many of the challenges we experience when we go to the gym are the same ones we face when managing our investment portfolio. 6th - 9th grade . ***** Students will be able to access their packets ANYWHERE. “Panic-type phenomena occurred in a variety of contexts in the recent financial crisis. Follow us on Twitter! Here’s all we needed to know: When the self dealing and loan fraud crumble, the short-term lenders will run. Instead, the fatal development was a loss of confidence by other financial institutions, which led them to suddenly refuse to renew short-term loans that Lehman and the other distressed firms needed to operate.” – Laurence M. Ball, The Fed and Lehman Brothers: Setting the Record Straight on a Financial Disaster, 2018. Is it the: w) Lyman series x) Balmer series y) Paschen series z) Pfund series ANSWER: W -- LYMAN SERIES PHYS-91; Multiple Choice: Electric current may be expressed in which one of the following units? When they are working smoothly, all the other parts of the system can perform as they should. “Data describing bilateral repurchase agreements and securities lending were scant in the run up to the financial crisis, and they still are.” — Richard Berner, director, Office of Financial Research. Speaking for the three of us, Steve Pizzo told the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on July 10, 1991: Americans watched in horror as thrift after thrift burned to the ground, but few have gotten down on their hands and knees and actually crawled through the smoking ruins, as my co-authors and I have. The countdown then starts for the big launch into the intergalactic world! Rocket Quiz: It’s not Rocket science! Your calculations don't seem to be correct. ***** This no-prep paper AND digital paperless product is all of the notes, labs, activities, practices, and tests you need to teach an energy flow or energetics unit in your biology class. One of the first devices to successfully employ the principles essential to rocket flight was a wooden bird. I’ve spent over 4 years creating this curriculum and have had amazing results. Your latest post oozes frustration! S&Ls used mainly brokered deposits. Search. ***** Write. U.S. weekly repo trend from July 1994 to January 2021 showing March 2008 peak (for details, see "About RepoWatch" tab above). Play. 9weekstoweightloss.com. You were absolutely right back then Mary. Remember, remember Bonfire Night safety warnings: BBC News, November 5, 2014. Because no official data on repos exists, questions as basic as the overall size of the market are difficult to answer.” — Grace Xing Hu, Jun Pan, Jiang Wang, Tri-Party Repo Pricing, August 2015. Notes and Powerpoints: Chapter 4 Powerpoint. ***** *Note: NGSS is a registered trademark of Achieve. ***** Unit 2 Test Answers. “Currently, the drivers of systemic risk remain largely intact, and shadow banking appears poised to grow considerably, and dangerously, if it does not acquire the necessary market discipline to shape risk-taking activities.” — From “Understanding the Risks Inherent in Shadow Banking” by David Luttrell, Harvey Rosenblum, and Jackson Thies, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, November 2012. Ask any earth sciences question and an expert will answer it in as little as 30 minutes. 8 Look at the underlined words in Passage B and consider how they are used. “Despite the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill and its directive to address this issue, the problem of bank runs in the shadow system — a key factor in the financial sector collapse — has not yet been solved.” –Mark Thoma, Professor of Economics, University of Oregon, February 13, 2012. Title: It's Not Rocket Science Author: Tosha Powell Subject: Managing cattle from disease can be a simple task; all it takes is a little hard work. Slapped by the Invisible Hand, by Gary B. Gorton, Oxford University Press, 2010. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. ***** “The 2007-2008 Financial Crisis was a horrific global preview of the consequences of depending on repo-based funding when the financial system becomes vulnerable to risk. Fighting Financial Crises, Learning From The Past, by Gary B. Gorton and Ellis W. Tallman, The University of Chicago Press, 2018. “Despite of its systemic importance, the repo market remains opaque to most market participants, including even the regulators. Everything is provided for two levels – CP and Honors. “While regulated banks have faced far tighter oversight following the financial crisis, the shadow-banking market remains a source of potential instability. This unit explains electricity, from charged particles at the atomic level to the current that flows in homes and businesses. (1) Given the chance, some bankers will finance themselves with short-term loans because it’s profitable. This is to protect the copyright and intellectual property of my own work, plus the work of many dedicated clip artists that are included in this product. Biology. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Live Game Live. No more, “I forgot my binder so I couldn’t do (fill in the blank)”, Students can print their filled in packets or an extra blank copy easily from home. ***** ***** ***** Smart regulation and transparency are the answer. Orion is a critical component for NASA’s deep space exploration plans. I could name names, but I don’t want to be sued, by these Charleston’s. The ariane rocket has a continuous flow of mass out its rockets, and the rate of mass outflow must be much larger than you assumed. “The 2008 crises on Wall Street were 21st century versions of bank runs. I always love the mice type. Mass is measured in kilograms. I hate Apple’s spell checker. docs, slides, etc.). Science of Spin (PPT) - This lesson was developed for use during our Nature of Science unit, but could be used as a fun day activity before winter vacation. b) It forms large, complex, diverse molecules. You can now have a mixed classroom with some students paperless and others not. December 17, 2018. Today, banks make repo loans to borrowers who use the money to buy troubled mortgage securities on the banks’ books, and then they use the troubled securities to collateralize the original repo loan from the bank.” –Inside Jobs, RepoWatch. NASA's Mission Control has evolved a set of rules designed to ensure every staff member is focused on the organisation's core purpose. If you have questions about this, please don’t hesitate to email me with them! Biology. P.S. ***** "As an undergraduate studying aerospace engineering, I have to say this blog is a great resource for gaining extra history and insight into the field." ***** “Without some repo reform, we are at risk for another panic.” –Gary B. Gorton, Professor of Management and Finance, Yale School of Management, November 16, 2010. Have a nice evening and watch out. It’s up to Congress to see through the con job and Just Say No. Creditors lost confidence in the ability of investment banks to redeem short-term loans, leading to a precipitous decline in lending in the repurchase agreements (repo) market.” –Robert E. Lucas, Jr., Nancy L. Stokey, visiting scholars, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, May 2011. “Until recently, short-term repos had always been regarded as virtually risk-free instruments.” Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke, May 13, 2008. Approximately how much energy from a coal-burning power plant actually gets converted into electricity? Two packets (one 43-page PDF for CP and one 47-page PDF for Honors) that include: Unit outline with objectives and vocabulary terms for each concept covered for students to use to make their own study guides from, Notes outlines for each of the five main concepts in Cornell Note format, Research and Report: Powerful Plants activity, Activity: Cellular Respiration in the Real World, 12 practice handouts enzymes, ATP, food webs, trophic pyramids, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration, Access to ALL of the materials in the student packets in a digital paperless format that can be used in Google Drive™ and/or Microsoft OneDrive™, 10 fully animated PowerPoints of notes – over 130 slides – differentiated for CP and Honors. This energy flow unit is the 3rd I teach in my biology class, after my Cells Unit and Biology Basics Unit. Everything is provided for two levels – CP and Honors. 25 July 2013. Whether used as a money market instrument, a source of funding, a means of mobilising collateral, or the transmission mechanism for monetary policy, it is difficult to think of any financial instrument or derivative that is not impacted in one way or another by repo rates.” — Andy Hill, International Capital Market Association. The repurchase market is “the deepest, darkest least noticed part of the market’s plumbing.” –Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera, “All the Devils are Here,” November 2010. “Our regulators allowed the proprietary trading departments at investment banks to become hedge funds in disguise, using the ‘repo’ system – one of the most extreme credit-granting systems ever devised. The calculations are the basis for the rocket’s stability and performance. 3. 9weekstoweightloss.com. conduction. “This is serious business — this is rocket science,” Cheney emphasizes. May 25, 2016. “Repo, then, was the main way that defaults in the housing market became a full blown credit panic. Includes only Primary Dealer activity so does not include all bilateral repo. ***** ***** “The repo market is as complex as it is crucial. Mary Ellen Tuthill. It can also increase the interconnectedness within the financial system.” — The Bank of International Settlements, April 12, 2017. “Although the deterioration of household balance sheets and the associated deleveraging likely contributed to the initial economic downturn and the slowness of the recovery, I find that the unusual severity of the Great Recession was due primarily to the panic in funding and securitization markets, which disrupted the supply of credit.” — Ben Bernanke, “The Real Effects Of The Financial Crisis,” September 13-14,2018. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für It's not rocket science im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch). ***** ***** Flow here is the process of energy moving through a system. The suckers just keep lining up to give their money away. No, you don’t have to answer. It is understandable considering what’s at stake–One thing that should be noted is that contrary to your being blindsided by the crisis you foretold it via your testimony. The point here is that you now have OPTIONS! “The repo market wasn’t just a part of the meltdown. “The particular crisis of 2007–2009 manifested itself in new forms of short-term debt runs in which repurchase agreements, commonly known as repos, played a major role. one quarter one third one half three quarters 20. You might have heard the phrase “It is not rocket science” tossed around some time or the other. You got: % Correct. Watching for the next financial crisis by keeping an eye on the repurchase market and shadow banking. The scars from the great financial crisis are still visible today.” — Benoît Cœuré, executive board member, European Central Bank, November 14, 2017. But, the opposite is true as well.” John C. Williams, CEO of the New York Fed, September 29, 2020. formula sheet. “The 2007–2008 financial crisis was driven more by disruptions in the Securities Financing Transactions markets than by disruptions in the over-the-counter derivative markets.” — Federal Reserve Governor Daniel K. Tarullo, November 22, 2013. — Jennifer Taub, associate professor, Vermont Law School, April 4, 2014. Mary, please forgive me. The board said it will also launch an evaluation on the effects of G20 financial reforms on bond market liquidity. ***** “It is disconcerting that that the Act is completely silent about how to reform one of the systemically most important corners of Wall Street: the repo market, whose size based on daily amount outstanding now surpasses the total GDP of China and Germany combined.” –Viral V. Acharya and T. Sabri Öncü, professors, Stern School of Business, New York University, July 16, 2010. Upgrade to remove ads . 6th - 9th grade . After the implosion taxpayers and prudent community banks will have to pick up the bill, which will far exceed the $500 billion S&L loss. October 27, 2016. During Artemis I, the spacecraft will launch on the most powerful rocket in the world and fly farther than any spacecraft built for humans has ever flown – 280,000 miles from Earth, thousands of miles beyond the Moon over the course of about a three-week mission. Banking, even by non-banks, is not rocket science. Live Game Live. ***** It’s the whole system. NU Science 10 (2005, updated 2015) 10 Unit B: Energy Flow in Technological Systems NU Science 14 (2003, Updated 2014) 10 Unit B: Understanding Energy Transfer Technologies NU Science 20 (Alberta, 2007, Updated 2014) 11 Unit B: Changes in Motion Repo “is the most important plumbing of the financial system. conduction. Rocket Science Lyrics: It's not rocket science / Just gravity / When we get down / It's not rocket science / Just gravity / When we get down / It's not rocket science / (it's not, it's not) / I can't Energy conversions most often produce: motion light heat sound Energy Science Quiz. ***** ***** ***** Discussion Students may think of other answers that may be equally valid. “With a repo loan, financial institutions could make or buy more home loans, to pool and produce more securities, to use as collateral for more repo loans. I only have to make copies one time each unit instead of copying handouts every day. Answer: Kinetic energy a form of energy that an object or a particle has because of its motion. Jonathan Knowles / Getty Images Nice try! This resource already comes with all of the student handouts in a packet format that can be used on paper (PDF to print) or digitally in a paperless version for Google Drive™ and/or Microsoft OneDrive™. So, it could happen again. In 2007-8, lenders ran on shadow banks. transfer of energy in a fluid (gas or liquid) by movement of the the heated particles. ***** I regularly post breaking news in the center column. Content covered includes enzymes, ATP, food webs, trophic pyramids, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. ***** Science can be a difficult subject for many students, but luckily we’re here to help. Created by. (You may want to use some words more than once, and come not at all.) As the rockets exhaust is entirely comprised of propellant originally carried on board, a rocket essentially propels itself by expelling parts of its mass at high speed in the opposite direction of the intended motion. Why should I use this product in my classroom? Analysis Mass, energy, momentum, and electric charge are conserved, and volume and entropy are not conserved during a process. “The Federal Reserve was forced to take extraordinary policy actions beginning in 2008 to counteract the effect of (tri-party repo) flaws and avert a collapse of confidence in this critical financing market. An intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is a missile with a minimum range of 5,500 kilometres (3,400 mi) primarily designed for nuclear weapons delivery (delivering one or more thermonuclear warheads).Similarly, conventional, chemical, and biological weapons can also be delivered with varying effectiveness, but have never been deployed on ICBMs. Share practice link. ***** Editor. These seminars are offered in all campus departments; topics vary from department to department and from semester to semester. The rocket + propellant are the independent system. ***** We pretty much nailed it, don’t you think? “In many ways, the repo market represents the foundation stone of the financial system, vitally facilitating the flow of cash and securities In the crisis of 2007-8 the holders of short-term debt, in the form of repo, came to distrust the bonds used as collateral and increased haircuts, generating a run on the banking system.” — “Collateral Damage,” Gary Gorton and Toomas Laarits, Yale School of Management, February 2018. Not only that, but the student packets come in a paperless digital version that can be used in Google Drive™ and/or Microsoft OneDrive™. However, one can also generalize this to include all forms of rocketry, including rockets that are not capable of space travel. For each rocket, note the settings and maximum height you achieve. 2016 – Gaudet, J. and F. Bergeron – uO Research – www.ruor.uottawa.ca 1 Lean: it’s not rocket science, it’s work science Joanne Gaudet* and France Bergeron* Abstract The main goal of this paper is to deepen understanding for Lean as a science of work based on flow. place your heating/cooling unit in a basement. When you download this product you will receive a zip file with 5 folders of files. Financial panics are increasing in frequency. This quiz is incomplete! “The collapse in CDO valuations and the resulting inability to use CDOs as collateral for repo was a major, if not the major, cause of dealer illiquidity and insolvency which resulted in massive bailouts and backdoor subsidies.” –Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism blog, August 20, 2010. Question: The process by which some animals locate distant or not visible objects through sound waves is known as: May 4, 2016. I have to ask a personal question, do you ever feel like Don Quixote? ***** ” — Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell, Clearing House Annual Conference, November 17, 2015. In response to widespread condemnation of ‘bailouts,’ Congress included stringent new restrictions on Fed lending in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act of 2010. “… the structure of the tri-party market is so closely entwined that it creates a contagion risk as bad as anything seen in the derivatives world.” –Gillian Tett, U.S. managing editor, Financial Times, September 23, 2010. Senate report, 1983. ***** “So far, all of this has gone largely unnoticed by the public, and that gives shadow banks the opportunity to make their case unopposed.” –Mark Thoma, Professor of Economics, University of Oregon, September 28, 2010. Its not rocket science 2017 atomic structure unit answer key “These runs were the primary engine of a financial crisis from which the United States and the global economy have yet to fully recover.” — Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, April 15, 2014. 30 July 2015. The Official Facebook page for ITV's It's Not Rocket Science. radiation. That counts for a lot! Time saver in so many ways – no more time wasted regularly passing out handouts, or having to cut and paste things into a notebook. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it. The structure is more suited to what students will be doing in college – and one of our goals as high school teachers should be to prepare our students for college. “When mortgage defaults started rising, many financial institutions experienced a run on their short-term liabilities. Those of us who are trying to understand the last financial crisis, so we can prevent the next one, are often told that the next crisis will be different and unpredictable. Played 1851 times. But beneath that apparent prosperity will lie the seeds of disaster. “Today, it is not the heavily regulated traditional commercial banks that are the main source of concern. Thrust is the upwards force. Learn. Jonathan Knowles / Getty Images Nice try! thermal energy that flows from something at a higher temperature to something at a lower temperature. Match. Yet even now and despite the crisis, the rules remain inadequate and flawed.” — Anat R. Admati, professor Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, May 2016. ***** September 25, 2018. ***** The unit of energy is named after James Prescott Joule. The next shock could be a sovereign default, a crash of some important market — who knows what it might be?” –Gary B. Gorton, Professor of Management and Finance, Yale School of Management, August 14, 2010. ***** ***** Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? ( Log Out /  anking, even by non-banks, is not rocket science. “Because of this widespread use in very large amounts, it is important that the repo market be protected from unnecessary disruption.” –Paul A. Volcker, Chairman, Federal Reserve Board, September 29, 1982, It puts responsibility back on the students to maintain their biology binder with their packet, while also aiding them in practicing organization skills. While interactive notebooks are great resources, I have found the packet strategy to be a more appropriate tool for using in the secondary classroom setting. ***** Check out the other full year curricula I have available! ***** “The essence of shadow banking is to make loans, securitize them, sell the securities and insure them, and actively trade all the financial assets involved. 27 July 2017. “Leaving the repo market as it currently functions is not an alternative; if this market is not reformed and their participants not made to internatlize the liquidity risk, runs on the repo will occur in the future, potentially leading to systemic crises.” –T. “Repurchase agreements (repo) are the largest part of the ‘shadow’ banking system: a network of demand deposits that, despite its size, maturity, and general stability, remains vulnerable to investor panic.” –Jeff Penney, senior advisor, McKinsey & Company, June 2011. Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want *NOTE* I did not specifically write this unit for distance learning or homeschool settings, so you may not be able to use all of included resources (like labs or group projects) while teaching from home. radiation. ***** ***** ***** “Repos were 2008’s smoking gun.” — Michael Manna, head of fixed-income financing trading at Barclays, as quoted in the Wall Street Journal, November 30, 2017. The financial crisis was not caused by homeowners borrowing too much money. The Teacher-Author indicated this resource includes assets from Google Workspace (eg. Give this product to others without the purchase of an additional license for them (this includes emailing, printing copies, or sharing through a website, cloud or other network.). I include a document with tips for using these resources in a virtual teaching and/or homeschool setting to help you. The study of motion is one of the funda-mentals of physics that students should learn. We had no idea what the next crisis would look like, and the Panic of 2008 did turn out to be very different than the S&L crisis of the 1980s. “The market for repurchase agreements is an elemental building block of modern financial markets. “Repo has a flaw: It is vulnerable to panic, that is, ‘depositors’ may ‘withdraw’ their money at any time, forcing the system into massive deleveraging. Unit 1: Rocket science E Language and style 7 a Underline the passive verb forms in Passage B. b Explain why passive rather than active verb forms are used in certain types of text. Misunderstanding Financial Crises – Why We Don’t See Them Coming, by Gary B. Gorton, Oxford University Press, 2012. I had a 96% pass rate on the State standardized End-of-Course exam for Non-Honors students and a 100% pass rate for honors students. Delete Quiz. January 11, 2021: “We’re concerned that repo has become a talking point for Democratic Senators, notably Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, already well-known for her critical comments of the banking industry. In the UK, the fire service makes its annual appeal for the sensible use of fireworks. In fact we’ve made it worse. ***** “The trigger for the acute phase of the financial crisis was the rapid unwinding of large amounts of short-term wholesale funding that had been made available to highly leveraged and/or maturity-transforming financial firms.” –Janet Yellen, Vice Chair Federal Reserve, June 2, 2013. Pulsed nuclear thermal rocket unit cell concept for I sp amplification. ***** It wasn’t banks and depositors. Upload this product to any unsecured website or server that other teachers can access for free. Thrust. Copy or modify any part of this document to offer others for free or for sale. Ask your question here and get physics answers that would help you do your assignment in the quickest way possible with maximum results. Lehman et al. Every major biology unit is covered and listed below. Follow me on TpT, join my email list, or follow me on Instagram. We help organizations achieve their goals whether it is AI, websites, business intelligence, and more. Instead, it was the repo lenders who had no skin in the game.” –About Repo, RepoWatch. Solo Practice. It is 20 pages and will give you the best idea of what all is included – because there is so much in this! “The money market fund industry and the repo market is really the major fault line that goes right under Wall Street.” — Dennis Kelleher, CEO of Better Markets, Bankrate.com, July 24, 2013. ***** Our success is NASA’s success — we don’t do it alone.” Join in the conversation: Visit our Facebook page to comment on the post about this blog. From spider monkeys to human cyborgs, and from swimming in syrup to chaos theory, Cave places each experiment and discovery in its scientific context to present an entertaining guide to some of the most jaw-dropping entries in the history of science. Review this product to recommend others buy it in blog posts, at professional development workshops, or other venues as long as credit is given to my store with a direct link to my store/product. , Clearing House Annual Conference, November 5, 2014 flow here is the most plumbing! This time of year for Northern California, self-sustaining cycle of profitability and a serious growth machine. ” –About,... University, July 16, 2010 motion is one of the markets. ” Scott... Was different the atomic level to the gym are the same ones we face when managing investment! You do your assignment in the recent financial crisis of 2007-2008, come. Are secured PDFs, meaning you can ask any science question and get expert answers in as little as hours... 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