Indeed Ignatius takes pleasure in saluting his readers "after the apostolic stamp" (ad Trall. of the business centre, at the foot of Diamond Head, is Waikiki sea-beach, noted for its surf-riding, boating and bathing, and Kapiolani Park, a pleasure resort, near which is a famous aquarium of tropical fishes. He recognized her, guessed her feelings, saw that it was her debut, remembered her conversation at the window, and with an expression of pleasure on his face approached Countess Rostova. Be careful with that vase - it's very fragile. Words are simply romantic in a way that film and images can’t be. ‘I have added my resume as an attachment' Is cleaner. Like a noun, a gerund Crocuses have also a pleasing effect when dotted about on the lawns and grassy banks of the pleasure ground. Be first to know when grammar rules change. 231+11 sentence examples: 1. : The effects of man's exposition to these laws may vary between pleasure and pain, comfort and affliction, happiness and misery. 2. Added to it was the pleasure of seeing Cynthia, after all she'd undergone, so utterly enjoying the day. The frame of 20-year-old Pleasure Morgan used to be found out in wooded area in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, on five October 2019 – two months after Shohfah-El Israel used to be jailed for lifestyles for her homicide. Personally he possessed the charming manners of a polished grand seigneur: debauched and cynical, but never rude or cruel, full of gentle consideration for all about him but selfish in his pursuit of pleasure, he has had to bear a heavy load of blame, but it is. It seemed to Boris that it gave the Emperor pleasure to utter these words. Reading books is the highest type of pleasure that a man can get before and after his everyday work. In later years he did not shrink from uttering a word of warning and advice, when he thought that the master of the Florentine republic was too much inclined to yield to pleasure. Towards the west is the Si-hu or Western Lake, a beautiful sheet of water, with its banks and islands studded with villas, monuments and gardens, and its surface traversed by gaily-painted pleasure boats. I saw her, naked, after you two...had your pleasure together. See more. In this manner the condenser discharge can be started or stopped at pleasure, and long and short discharges made in accordance with the signals of the Morse FIG. pleasure in a sentence. In this list the bold words in orange colour are adjectives. Dogs are important companions for many people who live on the street. They do not represent the opinions of "It would be my pleasure to show you around," he said and held out his arm. repeated Dolokhov as if the utterance of these words afforded him pleasure, and he went quickly up to the prisoners, who were surrounded by Cossacks who had hurried up. Here we are removing the subject (you) from the sentence completely and focusing on the object (the computer) and the action. Nothing can be more unlike the religious and moral attitude of Lucretius than the old popular conception of him as an atheist and a preacher of the doctrine of pleasure. An absolute contrast to his brother, he gave himself up to a life of pleasure and allowed the administration to fall into the hands of six eunuchs. In the first book, it has the Eudemian distinction between prudence, virtue and pleasure (i. Nicomachean means " addressed to Nicomachus," and Eudemian " addressed to Eudemus "; but, as Cicero thought that the Nicomachean Ethics was written by Nicomachus, so the author of the Scholium thought that the Eudemian Ethics, at least so far as the first account of pleasure goes, was written by Eudemus. 393. The beautiful princess is wearing a purple gown. Another word for pleasurable. Comments on my pleasure What made you want to look up my pleasure? 'What pleasure is there to be' is not Russian! The true hedonist will aim at a life of enduring rational happiness; pleasure is the end of life, but true pleasure can be obtained only under the guidance of reason. What the diplomatic matter might be he did not care, but it gave him great pleasure to prepare a circular, memorandum, or report, skillfully, pointedly, and elegantly. Why, I use speech constantly, and I cannot begin to tell you how much pleasure it gives me to do so. 4, 11 74 b 31-33) not as an activity, but as a supervening end (breyLyvOyepOV perfecting an activity He allows indeed that activity and pleasure are very closely related; that a pleasure of sense or thought perfects an act of sensation or of thinking, depends on it, and is so inseparably conjoined with it as to raise a doubt whether pleasure is end of life or life end of pleasure, and even whether the activity is the same as the pleasure. " " America is known as the land of plenty. " In general, the people are lively, good-humoured and ready-witted, fond of pleasure, lazy and extremely superstitious. Amongst the elements of our thought there are some which we can make and unmake at our pleasure; there are others which come and go without our wish; there is also a third class which is of the very essence of our thinking, and which dominates our conceptions. Continuous definition, uninterrupted in time; without cessation: continuous coughing during the concert. In Plutarch pleasure is so mixed and confounded with profit, that I esteem the reading of him as a paradise for a curious spirit to walk in at all time.". When he returned to the main room, Harrigan had left to talk to a class of grade-school children, a job at which he excelled, much to the pleasure of the others who shunned playing Officer Friendly. What pleasure is there to be so caustique? CK 1 1841610 It's a pleasure to meet you. This glass disc looks very fragile. It is not necessary that a child should understand every word in a book before he can read with pleasure and profit. Several ideas in the text support this prediction. See more. 2 See answers Which is the novel? Sometimes it seemed to him that other people were all as pleased as he was himself and merely tried to hide that pleasure by pretending to be busy with other interests. My name is Peter. For if the pleasure of virtuous activity is a supervening end beyond the activity, it becomes a supervening end beyond the happiness of virtuous activity, which thus ceases to be the final end. The Butter Cross, a beautiful example of timber work of the date 1633, was removed when the townhall was building, and re-erected in the pleasure ground of the Grange. rejoicing definition: 1. the act or feeling of showing great happiness about something: 2. the act or feeling of showing…. amicus curiae "friend of … Johnson, of whose various and often merely churlish remarks on Garrick and his doings many are scattered through the pages of Boswell, spoke warmly of the elegance and sprightliness of his friend's conversation, as well as of his liberality and kindness of heart; while to the great actor's art he paid the exquisite tribute of describing Garrick's sudden death as having " eclipsed the gaiety of nations, and impoverished the public stock of harmless pleasure.". Dean felt cheated, doubly so because yesterday, a comp day off, it had rained as if St. Swithin was ticked off at the world, denying him the pleasure of biking the Pennsylvania countryside. To be intoxicated by a single glass of wine; I have experienced this pleasure when I have drunk the liquor of the esoteric doctrines. Davout glanced at him silently and plainly derived pleasure from the signs of agitation and confusion which appeared on Balashev's face. ); he brought to Paris the "anglo-mania," as it was called, and made jockeys as fashionable as they were in England. To ride this horse was a pleasure to him, and he thought of the horse, of the morning, of the doctor's wife, but not once of the impending danger. In consequence, together with Pym and Sir Robert Philips, he was thrown into confinement; and, when in the August of the next year he was released, he was commanded to remain in his house at Stoke Poges during his Majesty's pleasure. said Kutuzov, and a flush of pleasure suffused Prince Andrew's face at this recollection. In sending him presents of game or enjoyment: pleasant, poems, television, films, musicals and. 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