Ahsoka damaged Vader's mask, but she didn't get another chance to strike back. Ahsoka is a being of flesh and blood. I’ve discussed this with you before on another topic. The battle would be spectacular, but it's hard to imagine it would've gone much differently than it did in the series: an evenly matched lightsaber fight that gives way to a complete onslaught once Vader's rage is triggered. @void_reborn inspired me to do this battle. Ahsoka and Maul’s fight scene, with the beautiful camera shots and … Their final interaction is brief yet heartwarming, contrasting the nature of their final encounter many years later. Easily. Vader stomps round 2 and 3, he one-shots them, @theoverdaddy: @eslay03:How can they win in R3? They were near equals. 1) Team takes the win with difficulty and likely injury. It’s active force defenses that Jedi and Sith begin a duel with. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Absolutely ridiculous and I'm not been gonna debate further than this. RELATED: The Rise Of Skywalker Makes It Clear Star Wars NEEDS Rian Johnson. After becoming a Sith Lord, Anakin was put in a state where he is constantly enraged. I mean really? Ok, he won't be able to do any of that with Maul there. As far as she is concerned, Anakin died when Vader was born. "One of the things that [Geoge Lucas] and I sat down and had fairly lengthy discussions about was Ahsoka and Darth Vader. Seems pretty biased. "If you're referring to that "source" from a children's book as evidence of him being lightyears above them, then lol.". Rewatch the scene. You’re completely misunderstanding me. Vader had the best combat feats in all of canon, including games, novels and comics. During their fateful duel, the two appeared to be evenly matched, with Ahsoka managing to even damage Vader's mask with a well-placed strike. Again, if they play smart and work together, they should take the small majority. ", "So you acknowledge that Ahsoka caught Vader off guard, but disregard that Vader caught Ahsoka off guard with the force push? Darth Vader and Ahsoka Tano (Rebels) vs Palpatine. There’s not a single scene in canon that shows Vader abusing the force on an opponent that is near Ahsoka level unless he first breaks his or hers defenses. This is because Kenobi’s force defenses were active. @killbilly: Unfornantly no, all i know is that its Disney canon, nothing more, maybe you can ask MyGod, maybe he will know soruce, https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/mygod000/forums/, @killbilly: It's called "star wars i am a sith". Vader is not one shotting unless he first breaks their defenses (which wouldn’t even be a “one shot” at that point). One weapon at Vader's disposal is his strength with the Force, which is further amplified by his rage. Despite the Jedi Knight's initial misgivings about her, Ahsoka proved to be an excellent apprentice and a valuable ally who played a … ", I already explained why she didn't have a good showing. Your socratic attempts at twisting my words to prove me wrong aren't pulling the wool over my eyes. Ahsoka's stamina isn't that good as seen in her Maul fight in TCW. Redeemed - His Mother. original owner, … Absolutely. No, but because saber absorbing prosperity absorbed electricity, He was on guard, energized, and ready. He only needs to break their force defenses and he is doing that, he is confirmed to be lightyears above Maul and his feats prove that as well, Ashoka duel is addressed, as soon as he tired to use force he crub stomped her. Ahsoka Tano vs Darth Vader Add to Favorites Click to zoom TheArtOfLilyK 61 sales 61 sales | 5 out of 5 stars. @eslay03: Vader defeated Kenobi easly in ANH acording to "from a certain point of view". wrong again, he fought her in a duel, and as soon he tried to use force she was one-shotted, how can you say that knocking somone out with a single force push is not one shot? Vol. They also have form advantages over him via their maneuverability. Battle. Yes, but it shows the original intent of the person who literally created the universe. Thanks to Darth we know that the image is from "star wars: i am a sith". their force defense, which you do with superior force powers, not lightsaber defenses, saber defenses have nothing to do with force, that is most stupid headcanon i ever saw by far. Dooku retreats because he knew he would eventually lose to Yoda. After all, consider this: after being enraged, Vader not only survives Ahsoka without taking another hit, but he also made it out of a massive explosion that Ahsoka seemingly did not. Therefore, she'd be on the receiving end of all of his hatred. The turn in the fight happens at this point, and, while we don't see much of how the fight ends, we can understand it doesn't turn in Ahsoka's favor. He never did abuse the force with Ben because he couldn’t break Ben’s defenses. He is solidly below Dooku at the point of AoTC, and yet even he was able to casually reflect Dooku’s lightning. Wear down his stamina yes that i agree with but Vader is so far above Maul he does not need that as he did not need with Cal. This is why almost every single fight in SW results in a lightsaber duel. They're canon. And a series of huge slashes and quick manoeuvers?… How does morals off change anything with Vader or Maul? Asadora! Let’s leave it at that, man. Follow 328. F, Yes but Vader is much strogner than Maul that is why that is not problem. Source : Lightsabers: A Guide to the Weapons of the Force. ROTS Kenobi was getting ragdolled by Dooku and Maul. With the most choreography? Let's use this as a point of comparison: Obi-Wan managed to defeat Darth Maul as an old man, while Ahsoka fought evenly with the former sith, and, ultimately, couldn't defeat him. "Nope, it's prime Vader. All three as of when they were on Malachor. I said Vader definitely wins with morals off. This item ships free to the US. R3: Team, but Vader gives them a difficult fight. Rise of Skywalker Cast Believes It's Time for a Break From Star Wars, The Rise Of Skywalker Makes It Clear Star Wars NEEDS Rian Johnson. Source :The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. Vader's determination/tanking capabilities/raw power for the 3.5. So let's break it down: Can Darth Vader beat Ahsoka in a fair fight, or is it the apprentice that will have an upper hand on her master? I don’t think Vader is that much more powerful than Maul and Ahsoka. And Vader doesn't have feats required stomp either one of them in the force, let alone both of them. It’s through dueling and other force abilities that these defenses can be broken. May 31, 2016 - Ahsoka vs. Darth Vader I won't leave you. I was going to challenge each of your points in greater detail. As far as Dooku getting choked out by Palpatine goes, he was completely taken off guard. Ultimately it’s a difference of opinions. R1: Vader eventually edges the W. Maul apparently didnt improve his style following his defeat in TCW, and his only relevant Rebels feats are temporarily stalemating 3 Inquisitors, a battle he might have been able to win, but is unclear. Feats also don’t put Vader “lightyears” above Maul. Saved by Jamie Dozier. Round 3: Team should be able to pull off the win with mid-high difficulty. This means that if Vader were to land one killing stroke, the fight would ultimately be over almost as quickly as it began. Earned my MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. The story of Anakin Skywalker and his padawan Ahsoka Tano is one the fans fell in love with over the course of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. But in legitimate "evidenced based" debates? 23 hours ago. If you're referring to that "source" from a children's book as evidence of him being lightyears above them, then lol. If you are referring to legends content being "canon" because we know saber forms "exist" in canon, that's not gonna do it for me. By your rational, Kenobi should be instantly one shotted by said lightning because he is below Dooku in the force. He saw an opening and was able to force push her off of a cliff. your own Pins on Pinterest Shmi Skywalker was one of the few people that cared for Anakin before the … He force pushed Ahsoka after wearing her down by his strength and dueling. We see this in the fight with Ahsoka during Rebels. Because of this, when Vader is put in a position where he is vulnerable, his rage will fuel his abilities. Thank you :). I am going with the team, albeit narrowly. This is why Windu and Kenobi both use it to reflect lightning. Actually, it doesn’t contradict. Given these considerations, it seems highly unlikely Ahsoka would win. Provide the scans/canon explanation of each of the 7 saber forms, who uses them, etc. Should the former Jedi land a strike, it would probably be superficial at best. 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Changed my mind. You’re completely misunderstanding me. The point I’m trying to get across is that one can break said opponents force defenses through lightsaber dueling. He isn’t THAT much more powerful than them as shown by his duel with Ahsoka. Dark: Which Is the Better Netflix Mind-Bender. 0 ... Darth Vader(ROTS, at least) Darth … RELATED: Rise of Skywalker Cast Believes It's Time for a Break From Star Wars. 9 9. The Dark Lord failed to defeat Obi-Wan after an epic duel, but Kenobi stands as one of the greatest Jedi of all time. However, this pales in comparison to some of Vader's raw strength with the Force, as well as his other brutal methods. 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Ahsoka and Maul don't even come close to any of his saber combat feats in comics. Where did I even indicate bias? For all I know, your cousin named Eddy could have simply photoshopped that image. R4: More or less the same as R3. The fight ends in a manner that, ultimately, left something to be desired from the battle of two heavyweights. Duo would leave battle in awe of Vader's solo proficiency vs capable force users. It reflected it. She'd never be able to hit Vader where it counts. The lightsaber didn’t absorb it. There’s active and passive force defenses. After looking through your activity feed, and the fact that you believe Vader can beat, or even have a chance at beating Anakin+Windu, it's quite clear you have a raging erection for Lord Vader. Its not, Maul best quantifiable TK feat is thousands of times bellow Vaders, Dooku is not much better eiather, Vader stomps them by feats, the only way for Dooku to be close is scaling to Yoda, Sorry but i do not like speculations she showed no signs of being tired that is why i cannot assume that she was, I know but he should also win round 3 and 2, Maul is fodder, so its basically Vader vs Ashoka and he low difs. Actually, that is exactly how canon works. If this isn't biased, I don't know what is. RELATED: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Vs Avengers: Endgame - Which Ended Better? "I agree with this completely. Unless, you think Vader is “almost lightyears” above Yoda. He’s not one shotting or easily breaking both of their defenses. I have no problem with you believing that. The saddest moment in "Twilight Of The Apprentice" is when, after the partially unmasked Vader calls out to Ahsoka, she… Vader is actually confirmed to be in his prime during Rebels via Pablo Hidalgo, another member of the Story Group. She managed to pierce through her fair share of Separatist blockades during the Clone Wars. The two engaged in a titanic struggle of Force powers, neither besting the other. Where’s the source for the image? In Clone Wars season 7, episode 9, "Old Friends Not Forgotten", the master and his apprentice reunite after months of her self-imposed exile. If this is Rebels Vader, the team thrashes. I am absolutely not saying that randomly having a lightsaber suddenly makes one able to withstand force abilities. One absolutely can break their opponents force defenses with force abilities. He is solidly below Dooku at the point of AoTC, and yet even he was able to casually reflect Dooku’s lightning, He idd not saber did, IM did not reflect Thor lightning, his armor did. From there, Filoni goes on to discuss what many believe will be inevitable: Ahsoka vs. Vader. (I love the saber forms and think it's one of the best things about the old canon). Bonus: Moral are Off, how does the outcome change? He did not one-shot nor stomp. Not this time. Here you go, he is lightyears above both Maul and Dooku, Those are not feats that is scaling, in terms of quantifiable TK feats Vader is lightyears above Maul, Maul is fodder to him, Vader has effortlessly moved and closed and held closed skycaper seized 100 000 ton mouth of the gigantic beast with single casual hand gesture in canon comics, protected himself from nuke level exsplosion in rebels with a force shield, Maul does not compare at all, Now for that fight, Filoni wanks Ashok he siad that only Vader or Palpatine can mach her, so he considers rebels Ashoka far above Maul, not comperable and Vader one-shotted her with single TK attack, so he stomped her with force, As for old Ben, he never tried to use force agisnt him so that does not count, I said one shot with force, Vader one-shotted Ashoka with force push, she was knocked out for a minute, before that their duel that went for a minute was sabers, as soon he tried to use force she was one-shotted, The wrong Maul was amped by nexus and Ashoka was weakend by it, Filoni said by the time of rebels only Vader and Palpatine can fight her, so that is wrong, Vader will one-shot Maul with flick as he did to Cal and stomp Ashoka. 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