Shrees platform is all about heart health and emotional wellbeing, and she is an incredible volunteer, logging an astounding amount of volunteer hours, and earning numerous awards for giving her time to many organizations including the American Heart Association and The Hope Heart Institute. Are you good at public speaking, photography, baking, playing chess, doing research, dancing, teaching children, applying makeup, speaking another language, reading out loud, cleaning and organizing? Dec 13, 2021. If you are a pageant gal who has a soft spot for our furry, finned or feathered friends, a platform that is focused on animals is a fun and motivating way to help the creatures that we share the planet with. Everyone either has a cause or has heard a story that pulls on your heartstrings and makes you want to help as much as humanly possible. Many pageant girls will say that their platform is, The Red Cross, when in reality, their platform is not actually The Red Cross,because the Red Cross is an organization. In recent years, several noteworthy titleholders have created dynamic and powerful platforms that not only won them a significant title, but brought a lot of public attention and support to their individual causes. The term "bullying" used to conjure images of a boisterous kid pushing down a weaker peer on the playground. Then ASK for help! Mental health - NHS Or, you could put an ad in a local college newspaper that you are available to practice conversational Spanish with others. If you are an empathetic person, who has the desire to impact a young life, then youll probably find your dream platform in this category. 10 Best Features of Wellness Platforms in 2022 - Employee Wellness Programs In fact, you can make a major difference in the lives of homeless individuals just by being willing to show up. The pageant accepts that a simple beauty pageant may not be able to remove hate and violence totally, but they are determined to decrease negativity by promoting peace, love and understanding. And, then the fact that you can sew, is a huge money maker! . Answer (1 of 3): Let me tell you the most important thing about pageant platforms: caring. The problems and disorders under the umbrella of mental health are varied and include everything from suicide awareness to eating disorders. 66: The Perfect Pageant Platform Outline - Win A Pageant If you have a place in your heart for the holidays, you can make Christmas extra special for kids by joining up with the Marines and their, Toys for Tots drive. Do you all have the same platform? Not only did Kelsi want to bring awareness to a range of mental disorders, but she is very passionate about dispelling the stigmas around mental health and also specifically wanted to speak to how often they affect young Black women. Staying homegrown and realizing the problems that face your community is a great way to be an advocate to advance your cause and give your hometown someone to believe in. Memorability is the goal when it comes time to actually competing for your pageant. 6. Shree was given 5 pageant awards that night, even though she spent the remainder of the week in the hospital. You could also offer to make videos of pageant contestants practicing their walking and posing techniques. You want to be able to set yourself apart, and show that you are an individual.That way you can really personalize it in a way that makes it unique and attention getting. Additionally, the Me Too and the No More movements have also created opportunities for pageant contestants to explore a whole new genre of platform ideas related to female empowerment, that they may have been reluctant to promote in the past. The reason that you think this is because you had dyslexia when you were a child, and you could not read well until your problem was diagnosed. What a valuable thing that would be! Keep in mind, the possibility of girls having the same platform as you is very high, there are only so many causes one can champion. A couple of interesting organizations that support survivors of assault or domestic abuse are The Global Sisterhood and Milagros Day Worldwide. Miss Universe 2017, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, created a personal platform that focused on self-defense, and she then made it her mission to empower women and keep them safe with her Unbreakable initiative, which she launched in 2017, while she was still Miss South Africa. Stories have the power to change who we areboth in telling them and hearing them. 9 Beauty Pageant Q&As That Celebrate Women's Intelligence, Ambition Ms Great Britain contestant to compete make-up free - BBC News The Harmful Effects of Beauty Pageants on Mental Health - IvyMoose When that happens it usually means that you just need to narrow it down to a more personal and custom fit. Find information and support for your mental health. In the end, it could save their life.. The vast media coverage and candid admissions of harassment and assault by countless celebrities has created an open environment to discuss issues that were off limits previously. Or, check out organizations like The Salvation Army, Goodwill, Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, StandUp for Kids and local shelters in your area. Choosing the right pageant platform is integral to how you can market yourself and begin to make a true difference in your community throughout your time as a contender for the title that you are pursuing. Depending upon your organization, your platform can be a mandatory part of your reign, like for Miss America 2.0, where in its 99-year history, every single contestant must form a pageant platform with an amazing title. Choosing a pageant platform is one of the most important decisions in the pageant candidacy process because it is a reflection of your personal interest and dedication to community service. Jun 29, 2022. swansea council parking contact number . Choosing to look for issues in your community and talking to those affected by the issue you choose (homelessness, poverty, gun violence, or any other major issue) can help you to figure out ways to best serve those in your community. Its important to prioritize self-care. The introduction to your essay should begin with an explanation of who you are and what your platform is. Just recently, however, bullying has been recognized as a leading cause of concern . Then you tweak your platform concept in such a way that it is more unique and personal to you. Meredith Student Uses Pageant Platform to Promote - Meredith College When you can show the judges that youve been able to do this on your own with the pageants charity or your own platform, it demonstrates that you have the skill set and the capabilities to do that as a queen. "I have worked first hand in CHEO's inpatient psychiatric ward, Mental Health classrooms, non for profits, and homeless shelters," she said. Every person has their own personality, style and temperament when it comes to communication, and there are multiple ways that you can communicate about your platform that will be comfortable for you. And, many of those titleholders decided to combine their love of the arts with education. Aside from temporal changes in body size among idealized women, there is a dearth of research on the association between beauty pageant participation and mental health. Its time for another brainstorming session, so get out your pen and paper and lets get down to business! Norfolk girl uses pageant platform to help community's hungry You could encourage and promote a movement that parents, childcare workers and guardians read to children every day. pageant platform mental health - The answer to each question becomes a paragraph in your essay. There are countless ways to raise money for your platform, cause or pageant, but we want to give you an idea that is unique to you as a titleholder or pageant contestant. Photo: Lily Lloyd Instagram. Kaylee Carlberg has three pageant crowns, a job helping people, a deep love of animals and bipolar disorder. In fact, our current Miss USA 2019, Cheslie Kryst, is a huge supporter of the non-profit, Dress for Success. Pageant raises mental health, entrepreneurship issues Right off the bat, youve got a tremendous amount of talent here that could be used to raise money for your platform. The Miss America organization is no longer considered a pageant, but they still offer contestants the opportunity to earn scholarship awards to fund their education. She shows up. AID FOR AIDS International is a non-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean. If you decide not to embark upon having a pageant platform, youre limiting your reach as a contestant and are at risk for not having much to do as a titleholder. Mental health. Drawing on our experience and that of others, we offer five considerations that mental-health-care providers, insurers, or employers should bear in mind as they embark on developing pay-for . All you would need is a large, open space that was relatively private where a girl could walk comfortably and safely. Young women are often comparing themselves against the accomplishments or achievements of others, she explains. Lily has dedicated over 400 volunteer hours serving her community through the non-profit that she created. Or you could choose to bring about change in how certain medical conditions are treated. You could of course tutor someone, like a student in Spanish. Photo American Bazaar Online. Get urgent help now for mental health Find an NHS talking therapies service Feelings, symptoms and behaviours Read about common feelings and symptoms such as stress, anxiety or a low mood. If you have your mind made up on the topic of bullying for your platform, take some time to get clear on why this is so important to you. But, you never know. No matter what, if you create a pageant platform, make sure that you are actually working towards your goal. Since the partnership began, countless contestants have chosen to champion the cause, which has resulted in unprecedented growth and support of the charity, as well as hope for families, that the loss of their loved one was not in vain. Pageant coaches teach their clients confidence and work on how to develop it within themselves. Choosing the right platform is about doing soul searching to figure out what you want to put your time and effort into. Miss America 2019 Nia Franklin. My favorite part of this journey by far is the opportunity to speak to young women across the country and to be able to encourage them, she says. Social Media Challenge or Contest: This could be done privately within your circle of friends and family as well. You need to see what the pageant's "definitions" are by looking at the performance of the top 5 contestants. You can expand your reach by partnering with other people and organizations in order to promote your platform. pageant platform mental health Nia spoke throughout her reign about the positive impact that the sport has had on her life and she credits taekwondo with much of her success, gifting her with discipline and self-control. When to Start Preparing For a Pageant March 3, 2022. Even if you all three volunteer your time at your local Red Cross, I bet that what you do, how you do it and what you really care about is very individual to each of you. Ker's exposure to pageants began at the age of 10, through a mentorship program known as the Fleur de Lis . We do recommend that you work on those skills, though, especially learning to talk to strangers or to a group of people. The overdose death rate from opioid (painkillers) drugs has increased a staggering 200 percent since 2000. Every individual is beautiful in her own unique way., Miss Massachusetts East Coast USA Photogenic Supreme Lauren Forbes. With the recent deaths of beloved pageant competitors, many within the community are reeling and wanting to shed light on the larger, global mental health crisis.. Jennifer Lloyd, who is well . Proceeds from Catrionas music helped to build a preschool and childcare center for Young Focus, and also provided meals for families and children so they could celebrate Christmas with food on their table. Cheslie Kryst 'Changed My Life,' Says Former Miss Utah Rachel Slawson You must be absolutely excited, passionate and sold out regarding your platform and your purpose as you understand it, otherwise raising money will feel like a grind. Send a press release to your local newspapers, news stations, online news sites or any organization that is in any way related to your platform and tell them about your projects and plans and any upcoming appearances. COLUMNS Mind Over Mood: Vulnerableand Vigilant. This is your time to speak about all of the fundraisers, events, and charity work you have done to further your platform. Volunteer work has always been at the forefront of competing in beauty pageants, so be prepared to do as much work as possible! She earned a Masters degree in Music Composition; she is a classically trained opera singer and she endeavors to use her voice and the power of music to transform lives through art. Mandy is also a mental health advocate. There are so many ways to have your platform become more widespread and create the most amount of influence. Or, if you want to expand your reach worldwide, but you dont own a sleigh, then why not partner with Samaritans Purse and give a gift to a child overseas who has never had one through, Operation Christmas Child. Public speaking is a skill that you can absolutely learn! Spring 2021 | Youve certainly noticed issues in your town and wondered, Who is going to get rid of this? Writing your pageant platform essay may seem daunting at first, but always keep in mind the fundamentals of writing an essay: the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. For instance, they decide that they should select a disease because they have a family member that suffers from that disease. This is especially effective if you have just won a new title. Advocating for mental health. As a professional therapist she works with children and teenagers from age 5-19, and does individual counseling for those who suffer from a diagnosed mental health disorder (major depressive disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder etc). Research all the local city and county websites to look for upcoming events, then call or email whoever is in charge and ask if you can help out or participate in any way. A Beauty Queen Who Fights Mental Health Stigma, and a Dream - KQED When writing your conclusion, you want to make sure that you use a proper tone that makes it sound like you are concluding your essay. You can start a Facebook Fan page, an Instagram account that is dedicated to your platform, or a blog or website. We havent even discussed your communication skills yet and youve already got a bunch of great ideas. For Two Miss America Hopefuls, a Passion and Platform for Diverse You have to really think about what your platform is, not where you volunteer or serve. Lauren Pederson Using Miss World Canada Pageant To Raise Awareness For Creating a platform with actual activities that you would like to accomplish can be the most difficult part of planning. From severe diseases like cancer and Aids to mental health related issues like depression or eating disorders, and even subjects like organ donation, if you have a sincere desire to serve those who are suffering, then this category may be a good match for you. It really should not be something that you put on at all! Pageant Planet on Apple Podcasts Supper Club Where everyone pays a small fee and brings a dish and their recipe and you share a meal together. Kendras main focus with Healing Hearts is to use literacy as one of the mechanisms to achieve her goal of touching others. Young women should know that taking care of themselves is just as important as achieving any other type of success, she says. In addition to those ideas, there are lots of other possibilities related to you skills at doing hair and makeup. When pageant girls hear that they should be promoting their platform in some way, often times they get very anxious about the idea because they think that it means that they have to do something that is uncomfortable for them, or out of their area of experience or expertise. That's why so many contestants have a pageant platform, or a cause that a contestant or titleholder dedicates their time to working on or giving back to. Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray in the slums of Tondo. The Pageant Platform Podcast | Listen Free on Castbox. There are several locations on the East Coast and in various parts of the Southern U.S. However, this is the first time a trans woman has been among Puerto Rico's local competitors and shows promising resistance, as basic human rights for trans folks are threatened by lawmakers around . Can you find 5-6 items on that list that you can honestly say, someone would be willing to pay you to do for them? After being diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 2019, Kikanamada started an Instagram account called More for Myself , where she raises awareness for mental health issues. Parents would be thrilled to have someone teach their young daughters how to do appropriate hair and makeup, and theyd be happy to pay someone for that service. As mentioned before, having a platform is integral to making your year of service, whether as a contestant or as a titleholder, worth the effort. Photo: CNN. Mas An Lawi 2023. I need to raise money for my pageant platform. "I have seen a great need for much more accessible and affordable forms of . Having a relatable and personal platform helps for the judges to remember you as well as making sure that you are actually accomplishing a goal in real life with your platform. How do I choose the right pageant platform for me? Photo: Philstar. Writing what you have done, what you will do, and what has made you continue to keep going is a great way to remain humble and realize why you began in the first place. Start making appearances! EXTREME MIND. Passion is contagious, and when you are passionate about a cause or charity, you can get other people fired up too. Photo:Facebook. She designed and constructed a line of eveningwear out of clothing purchased from Goodwill. Whether its collecting books or decorating craft butterflies for patients, Kendra insists that Healing Hearts has a place for everyone. Each person here has chosen to tell a story about an experience that has transformed them in some way. Arika Burton states, "Becoming Mrs. DC America is an honor, and I am appreciative of the opportunity to reach a wider audience with my platform of raising awareness for financial literacy. This is not the time to enter in last minute additional information, as the judges will have already formed an opinion of your essay by now. However, it needs to be customized so that it looks like it was made for you as well. RAELYNN TERVEER, a Norfolk girl who recently was named America's Elegant Miss Nebraska Junior Preteen 2021-22, has modified the "I Can" Campaign she . List at least 10 Scratch out everything that is controversial or comes from your parents/family's beliefs: ie. You are communicating with intent to inform, educate and engage. Meeya Francis, contestant number one in the 2023 Miss Dominica Pageant, explained why she chose the platform "Mental Health in Men," saying that her personal life experiences with the problem of. It doesnt mean that the contestant has already taken her platform to a global level; it simply means that she can take it there with the assistance of the pageant system. Many pageant systems have dedicated their organization and the work of their titleholders to enriching the lives of people affected by various diseases. The reality is that trying to find a way to tell your personal story as it relates to your platform is the most powerful way that you can motivate people to not only support your cause, but also donate their money to it. MADD had expanded to some 320 chapters and 600,000 volunteers and donors nationwide by 1985, and by 2000, the 20th anniversary of MADDs foundingalcohol-related fatalities had dropped some 40 percent over two decades, and states with the toughest drunk-driving laws were beginning to treat alcohol-related fatalities as murder. But, every single day, she is there. Miss Teen USA Kaliegh Garris AND Miss USA Cheslie Kryst at the Annual Best Buddies Leadership Conference. What an incredible way to think outside the box and use your platform to benefit the pageant that you are representing! Having this in mind will help you to answer your interview questions easier as well as give you the proper mindset of why you embarked upon your platform. Originally aimed at helping hospital patients and their families, Kendra has now expanded her original vision to helping the lives of everyone she can. Youre on the right track, but you need to customize your concept. This is exactly what having a platform can do! Ability to Conduct Confidential Health Assessments. I bet you can! And once you figure all that out, how do you promote your pageant platform? Now that she is a pageant titleholder, she . In fact, she wants to make it even bigger and turn Unbreakable into a foundation where she could work with safe havens to bring the empowerment workshops to the women they serve. Size does not define beauty. Through the Victoria Siegel Foundation the family is bringing this matter to the national stage, championing specific ways that we can reduce drug experimentation, addiction and overdose deaths. Teen beauty pageant contestants discuss mental health Some of the platform topics related to business, just to name a few, are women mentoring women, entrepreneurship and philanthropy. In the last three months, one of the biggest highlights of being Miss America has been being able to use my voice to share the importance of arts in education from speaking in schools across the country to performing at the Lincoln Center and to taking every media opportunity to continue expressing just how vital the arts are in schools, she said in a social media post in December 2018. Shree has held many titles in the years that she has been involved in pageantry. As mentioned in the previous section, choosing a cause that has an emotional tie to you and your past or your future is the absolute best way to bring out this passion in you. For example, why not contact your local Mayor, city official or any other important public figure. But, please dont stress out over it. This might have to do with the fact that so many pageant contestants and titleholders are genuinely and remarkably talented people. Now, is it absolutely necessary to have as a pageant contender? One in four people in the U.S. will suffer from a mental health issues," Ker said. We are looking for mental health therapy practitioners to join our tele-therapy network. If you just want to help kids, you can get involved in all kinds of service organizations or missions that are making a difference in the lives of children worldwide. She was named ambassador for the Unicorn Childrens Foundation and works with this international organization to help people with neurodiversity. Just start a fundraiser and share your page! She shows up for these people when nobody else does. The reason that this is so crucial for the contestant who wants to compete at a higher level, is that any pageant organization that has a national or international competition, will want to promote the platforms of their winners. Lily started a non-profit called, The Smize Foundation, which is a nonprofit corporation that connects high school students with local food banks to provide donations, volunteer opportunities and awareness of community outreach.