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Find out how to buy Girl Scout Cookies, explore Girl Scout Cookie flavors, see how girls learn essential life skills, and more. It can be nice to brush up on these skills right before your camping trip or during the trip. This includes all your trash and food scraps. Series. Both of these activities will allow the girls to see the traits in the Girl Scout Law used in a variety of ways. As you enjoy a hike, look for natural clues of the changing weather. We hope you found our Outdoor Junior Journey plans helpful and the are ready to tackle a girl scout camping trip! Explore Endangered Animals 20 minutes. Many leaders have moxie. The Girl Scout Bronze Award Take Action Project defines an issue in the community, and takes a . Next, during your camping trip, take lots of pictures to document your experience. This is really very informative! You could always start or end the obstacle course with some movement too. Check out the Take Action guide under meeting aids for ideas on Take Action projects. With any hiking or camping adventure, your scouts will need some basic first aid. This is different than threatened animals and plants which are likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future. How are peoplel trying to help the habitat? Girl Scout Take Action projects address an issue by tackling the factors that cause or contribute to it. Enter your Name and E-mail to to Get Your FREE Girl Scout Leaders Campsite Guide with all the best questions to ask and a done for you packing list. An example of this step: After coming up with a dozen ideas, the girls soon realize they like three the most: . You will need string, a measuring tool, and some graph paper. The measurement should be taken about 4.5ft from the ground, which is a little shorter than most of your girl scouts. Your scouts will gain an appreciation for nature and the animals that live in their communities. This pairs nicely with the Conservation Hike if you plan your hike where geocaches are available or ask each scout to create and hide one. Take some time to explore different size backpacks or suitcases that your girls might bring. Step two asks the girls to dig into video game development, while step 3 looks at the science of amusement park rides. We are a family of 6 with 4 wonderful becoming bilingual children who loves scouting, camping, and hiking with their family. Keep It Girl-Led: These examples are intended to give a sense of what a Take Action project could look like. Animals need shelter, but they also need food and water. The Brownies earned the Home Scientist Badge for their efforts. Juniors earn the new Eco Camper badge Step Four: When all three badges are complete, girls plan and carry out a Take Action project using the skills they learned, and earn their Take Action Award which shows they earned their Outdoor Journey! Build a community herb garden for community members to use to pick their own fresh herbs. For each width of your hand you can place under your pinky finger is about 1 hour left before the sun sets, each finger width below your pinky finger is about 15 minutes until the sun sets. Did your girls love the journey as much as ours? While Power, Moxie and Leader are the main vocabulary for the Agent of Change Junior journey, there are a few additional words that can help the scouts while learning on this journey. This can be paired with a trip to speak with a first responder, which is actually the second requirement for the first aid badge. We had so much fun that we planned a few more journey in a day agendas for our troop. Some troops love to celebrate after earning each award, while others would rather have one big celebration after the completion of the entire journey. Then provide each girl or team of girls a blank paper, or use our comic book template, to create their own supergirl comic-book story, script, or visual story to show taking action in their community. Then share the Dream Team trading cards on pages 20 -22 of the Girls Agent of Change handbook. We can all share ways to help lessen our stress, the girls could journal about their feelings before and after completing the course or even adding in some yoga to the beginning, middle, or end of the course. Another option is to combine both research options together, while learning about the endangered animals habitats, also research about the baby animals in the same location. The Brownies got to make handmade ice cream, create tie-dye milk, use static electricity to make salt and pepper dance, blow up balloons without using their breath, and make raisins dance in liquid. Required fields are marked *. This can include plants budding or losing leaves, animals making nests or migrating, or the clouds in the sky. For Parents & Families. We find it most helpful to pair badges when we have a month or two to complete a journey. Depending on what your girls want to try on their trip, you can add in a few additional badges when planning. So let's get started! Since your Junior Girl Scouts love taking pictures and sharing memories, this is a perfect badge to add to any camping trip. Opening Activity 5 minutes. We planned out camping trip a few weeks before our actually trip. While habitats are where animals live, they can include so much more. While on your hike, bring along some salt dough. that raises awareness in an interesting and emotionally triggering way. This Power Log will help the girls to highlight their individual strengths and places throughout their day where they helped others or made a difference. For these take action projects below, we focused on helping our environment. As your Junior scouts focus on earning their animal habitat badge, they will need to understand habitats. You are so welcome, Martina. This sounds like a great program, thanks for sharing your insights! The Junior Outdoor Journey pairs nicely with a few Girl Scout Junior badges. 0000001294 00000 n
Leave No Trace is a big part of scouting. For Girl Scouts The most important part is to allow your girls the opportunity to plan the celebrations throughout the journey or the celebration at the end of the journey. While the badges are not a set like some of the other Junior Girl Scout Journeys, they should be displayed together. As your girls find awe-inspiring nature items, they can make an impression in the salt dough without needing to take the nature item with them. Plan a Take Action project that helps make your favorite park, beach, or forest a better place for everyone. Buy Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scout Cookie Flavors To complete this journey, Juniors should: Earn Animal Habitats badge Earn Camper badge Earn Eco Camper badge. Locate invasive plant life near your camping site. However, leaders also have the ability to access the journeys and badges in the Girl Scout Volunteer Toolkit, which is an amazing resource for leaders to access the material for free. Allyson was doing a project in school on states and the items used to represent them and realized through her research that Delaware was the only state on the east coast without a state shell. Discuss voting, Fist to Five (see page 37), or other ways to come to a group decision. When they use their power to help out in everyday situations, they can do amazing things even when its just them. Your Juniors could create these stuffed animals and maybe even include it with other comfort items. Mom is an educator and dad is a firefighter/paramedic. We found that a Saturday or Sunday morning through lunch or lunch and the afternoon worked best for a journey in a day. This helps to protect the environment. Take Action Project Name: Sea Shell Overcome Allyson Willis. It also extends to the Cadette Journey aMaze, the Seniors Journey GIRLtopia, and the Ambassadors Journey Your Voice, Your World. The sequence is as follows 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, . As the Journey progresses, girls continue to develop their leadership skills, applying their new skills and knowledge to help their community in a Take Action project. Try to find an already established campsite or other flat, durable surface that is likely to stay dry to set up camp. 0000009691 00000 n
Guide the girls through these steps: 1. Buying handbooks, badge guides, journey books, and badges can be very costly, so the Volunteer Toolkit is a great free resource. The most important part is to allow your girls the opportunity to plan the celebrations throughout the journey or the celebration at the end of the journey. You could ask your girls to turn their Im Being Framed or Power of Team Comic into animated artwork such as a flipbook or thaumatrope. Ceremony a special way to celebrate an important event, experience, or feeling. What is Consensus 10 minutes: Take a few minutes to discuss how people in our community reach a consensus. What will you do while camping: hike, explore, rock climb, archery, etc? They can pick a family member, community member, famous person in their world, etc. Instead, guide them to brainstorm ideas, get feedback, and come up with a plan. Learn the Leave No Trace Seven Principles. Great blog. And if you are looking for more Girl Scout leader tips, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter below. So we have usually opted for certificates to show the progress after each step and presentation of badges at the end of the journey. Thank you x. Leave a comment below and let us know if youve tried the Outdoor Junior journey or camping with your girl scout juniors. Remember, a Take Action Project is more than community service. Moreover, you will decrease the number of mosquitos by being farther away from the water. Allow your scouts time to research the endangered habitat to learn more about why it is in danger? Created Date: 10/10/2017 9:44:50 AM . (10 min) Taking Action! Trail mix can make an amazing conservation hike snack. The opening activity is not required and could be eliminated. 2016-2022 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. Thanks for sharing! Then discuss how to care for someone who is more mildly sick with issues such as the flu, cold, or fever. Blind Obstacle Course 20 minutes: Allow the girls 5 minutes to work together to create an obstacle course. The Junior Eco Camper badge focuses on camping while leaving minimal impact on the environment. Use shadows to help estimate the height of tall objects in nature. This requirement can tie nicely with the Outdoor Art Creator Junior Girl Scout badge. Our girls tied this to Im Being Framed. Working with your campsite hosts to create signs to visually mark the hiking trails so that future hikers can easily follow the trails without fear of getting lost. Your troop should decide how they want to celebrate their progress and completion of the journey. To earn the Power of One award, the scouts will work to discover their own strengths, or individual powers, by keeping track of their daily activities throughout a day. Great pages in the Girls Agent of Change handbook include pages 6, 7, 11, 25, 28, 34. This looks like a really nice program. White Sands National Park with Kids: Experience Your Next Breathtaking Family Adventure, The IEP Process for Parents and Parental Rights Simplified. Use page 34 in the Girls Agent of Change handbook for a starting point. Series includes the Daisy Journey Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden and the Brownie Journey Brownie Quest. The Junior Girl Scout Agent of Change Journey is part of the Its Your World Change It! You can drive the distance to determine the exact distance or use an activity tracker on a smart watch to help with the measurements. Begin with teaching your girl scouts the steps to take in an emergency such as Check the scene for safety, call 911 or for other help, and Care for the injured person or animal. Explore an Animal Habitat 30 minutes. Planning Your Camping Adventure 30 minutes. Girls Step 3 definitely fits better with the mechanical engineering bages. Add these to a binder for new leaders. We asked the scouts to complete their Power Log prior to our meeting and bring in information about a woman who inspires them. Each shape or form is unique Erica, we appreciate you taking the time to read and learn more about the Outdoor Journey. Check with the campground hosts on their protocol for handling the invasive species. While hiking on these trails, scouts should leave everything they find except garbage. Many animals have bilateral symmetry. Minimal impact campsite is a big part of the Junior Eco Camper badge and involves setting up a campsite that changes the environment as little as possible. . 3) Juniors will connect their own strengths to the values in the Girl Scout Law. Head out on your trip and have some nighttime fun! While your scouts explore the Agent of Change Junior Girl Scout Journey, there are a few key concepts and vocabulary that can be beneficial to explore. The first and second step look at exploring how music is made and music from around the world. So the water sources and food sources in the area are also part of the animals habitat. Why will you camp? Step 4 asks the girls to create their own special effects. Complete a Take Action Project The capstone "Take Action Project" should focus on making the outdoor world a better place. If it's a Take Action project, brainstorm how it might meet the following requirements: 1) it identifies the root cause of a community issue, 2) it works WITH the community, and 3) it has long-term benefits for the community. Thank you Rachel. Moreover, they will discover more about animal habitats and how to protect these habitats today. Instead, guide them to brainstorm ideas, get feedback, and come up with a plan. Ask the scouts to brainstorm community issues at a prior meeting and decide on a Take Action Project. Create a butterfly garden to beautify the campgrounds and provide a safe space for butterflies to rest during their migration. Girl Scout Activity Zone activities have been adapted from existing Girl Scout programming. Research a few baby animal habitats to learn how different animal moms and dads care for their babies. Leaders can introduce any skills needed into the Junior Outdoor Journey. The Outdoor Junior Journey makes this easy and builds on the outdoor journeys from daisies and brownies. Know Before You Go plan ahead and prepare everything you need, including having a plan to pack everything when you leave. Mobilize to motivate a group of people to take action together towards a common goal. This begins with the location of your campsite. Object Height = (Girls Height x Objects Shadow) / Girls Shadow. The scouts will decide on an issue in their community that they care about changing and will help their community. This could include benches for taking a rest, an archery range for scouts working on their archery badges, a community garden to teach more about flowers, seeds, and plants for those badges. Planning Tiger Year: December Tiger Cub Scouts Meetings, Spanish January Activities for Kids from a Dual Language Family. During hikes and other active activities, they will want 2 cups per hour. When earning the Power of Team award, the scouts will explore how they can use their individual powers with others to create an unstoppable team. Deciding on a Take Action Project (30 min) Opening Ceremony: Why Is Our Project Important? Sometimes these traits are looked at individually and other times they are all used together to describe a persons moxie. Girls For each Girl Scout journey, leaders have the option to purchase two books: a leaders guide for the specific journey and a girls handbook for the journey. Take Action projects look like. *If Juniors have already earned the Animal Habitats or Camper badges, leaders should review the However, you may need some ideas for new projects to try. The first three goals focus on the Power of One award, the fourth goal is the main focus of the Power of Team award, and the final two goals are the focus of the Power of Community award. Sing a few songs together as you enjoy your special campfire treats and views of the nighttime sky. Another way to save time is to teach the Leave No Trace Principles during your hike. Review the, Reflect on what worked, what didnt, and what youve learned, Educate and inspire others to be part of the change. This can pair well with the Power of One as we keep our Power Log throughout the day or even the blind obstacle course because they girls may feel stress about being blind folded. Step 4 and 5 look at writing an article and essay. PRIORITIZE OUR CAMPS: All Girl Scout Members need to join together to SAVE our remaining Girl Scout Camps. This would be an assignment that each scout does at home over the course of the next few weeks. Next, the girls create a short story, which works well with their Power of Team Comic. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates. Take the . Next the scouts learn to use a GPS receiver by either locating or hiding objects using GPS coordinates. Learn more about how to earn . Go outside to a local animal habitat, this is easy if you are camping.